1 Cross + 3 Nails = 4 given.

In a previous post, we discussed the power of the love of God. We also explained the fact that God wants us to give our lives entirely to Him in order for us to live a purposeful, and prosperous life. Today, we will touch on how we can give our hearts to God. Below, you will find a step-by-by guide that will aid you to make the greatest decision of your life!

How does one allow God into their life? 

1. You Acknowledge you are a sinner. (No matter how “good” of a person you think you are, whether you give to the poor, volunteer at the nearest soup kitchen or homeless shelter etc, you are NOT good enough until you receive the salvation of God and respond to His love. Otherwise the Word of God says your self-righteous good deeds are as “filthy rags” before Him (God) (Isaiah 64:6) Your heart has to be right with God (Act 8:21,22)

2. Believe that Jesus Christ died in order for ALL of your sins to be washed away (no matter how terrible they are, no sin is too great that the blood of Jesus cannot wash away! The Bible says that “…if anyone be in Christ he (she) is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things have become new”- 2 Corinthians 5:17)

3. Confess those sins to God in prayer and ask for forgiveness (Romans 10:10). (sins=lying, cursing, stealing, smoking, drinking, disobedience, arrogance, partying, indecent dressing, lust,  etc etc)

4. Forsake those confessed sins Isaiah 55:7. Basically you don’t do those things anymore. You are now a new person in the eyes of God and of others! Present yourself that way. Ask God for help as you make a commitment to Him and to yourself to walk in newness of life.
5. Grab yourself a Bible if you haven’t got one. “So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”-Romans 10:17. By reading the Bible, you will know how to live properly and grow in faith; likewise live to please God, and attain inward peace. You also will know, and experience all the wonderful promises that God has for you. 

6. Join a Bible believing church. *Cough* like any Deeper Life Bible Church in your area :). Let me know if you need help locating one! (; (You will grow in such a congregation and as a babe in Christ, you will have the opportunity to ask and get answered any questions you may have about how to live your new life aright!

7. Get baptized! Mark 16:15, 16. Baptism is a scriptural ordinance, a command from the Lord Jesus Christ. Even Jesus Christ the Son of God Himself was Baptized, how much more us? Baptism shows a public proclamation of your new life in Christ. Keep in mind that baptism should be done ONCE (meaning you should be immersed once in water) in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). This act shows that you have died to your old life and have now risen with Christ (even as He rose from the dead) and are now destined to live a victorious life over sin! 

After you have completed all 7 steps, you are now considered a complete Christian, a child of God and you now have the hope of living together with God someday when His Son Jesus Christ returns to take us home! 😀

Congratulations, and Welcome to the Kingdom of God! 🙂

“You Are My King”
Questions? Please write below or send to [email protected]

May God bless and keep you in the faith!
