Faith Lessons: The Power of the Spoken Word


When I first started nursing school, I had a desire to finish school with distinction. I wanted to be counted among the excellent students of my graduating class. At my school I noticed that there was a ‘wall of fame.’ This wall contained a list of past students that had excelled in specific courses. The first time I saw that ‘wall of fame’ I said to myself “my name will be here, my name must be there!” I had faith that if other students’ name were up there, mine would and should be up there as a child of God as well! So, I kept praying to God to help me to excel in my nursing education. 

At my pinning ceremony, I was one of the students selected among my graduation class for an excellence in achievement award in adult psychiatric mental health nursing. I was so amazingly shocked, but it was also an answer to my prayer! Recently I went to my former school. I felt within me to walk over to the ‘wall of fame’ to take a look as I had previously done. I walked over and there my name was, plastered under “Outstanding Achievement in Adult Psychiatric Mental-Health Nursing Award.” I couldn’t believe that the award I received at the pinning ceremony would end up on this long admired wall! Praise the Lord! The Lord honored my word of faith and positive confession!

It was not easy, but God has helped me to leave an unforgettable mark at my school through my diligence. It is a beautiful privileged! I want to encourage the students out there to trust God to enable them to be among the best in their schools. The bible teaches us that Daniel and his peers were found ten times better than their competitors, all because God was on their side! (Daniel 1) As you choose to let God be your guide in life, he will prosper you in all that you do. It will not always be easy, but as you are diligent, God will reward you with all round excellence in Jesus’ name.

I want to remind you that there is power in the spoken word. The bible says in proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”. There is power in your tongue! If you always speak negative words, you will reap the fruit of negativity in your life. But if you always make positive professions even in difficult times, you will also experience fruit of positivity in your life’s endeavors. Learn to speak life even when the situation seems dead and hopeless. Speak the word of God which is life into that predicament and that situation will receive life and resurrect in Jesus’ name.

“Believers should learn to be positive in their utterances. They
must see success where others see failure. Apostle Paul charged us that we can
do all things through Christ that strengthens us. Our ability to confront
difficult situations lies in our confession, because “as he thinketh in his
heart, so is he”-[Proverbs 23:7]. Successful people are made by their dogged determination;
they see possibilities where others see brick walls. Evidently, people who have
the “can do” spirit have always excelled. We must be exceptional in whatever we
do, so that there would be a positive difference between us and unbelievers.” Daily Manna: “Dare to be Exceptional” Nov 4,2015

The word of God – the bible is a compilation of beautiful, and wonderful words of life. It is words that have the power to save you from sin, it purifies you and makes you holy and acceptable before God, it reveals God’s plans for your glorious future to you, and encourages you in difficult times. If you are a person who daily prioritizes and intakes the word of God as your spiritual food, the hope and possibilities in the word will so transform your perspective on life enabling you to see life as God sees it; thereby transforming your tongue to speak God’s word into situations of life that appears challenging.  

I pray you are encouraged to trust God for a higher level of holistic success! I pray God will transform your words into positive utterances in Jesus’ name! You are not weak, you are strong. You are not sick, you are healthy! You are not a failure, you are an embodiment of success. You are not fearful, you are a person of faith. Challenge yourself to familiarize yourself with, and stand upon the unfailing promises of God revealed in His Word. Let the grace of God that has converted your heart be evident in your words. Be known to speak gracious words, words of upliftment, sweet and kind words. 

If you have Jesus Christ resident and abiding in your life, there is always hope to speak life and not death! If you do not have Jesus in your life it will be very difficult to see life in a positive light. If you want to decide for Christ today you can begin your journey to knowing Christ HERE!
