Her Modest Apparel: ‘Standing on Holy Ground’

“…the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.”-Exodus 3:5

The presence of the Lord is a ‘Holy Ground’ and calls for children of God to appear in holiness of heart and in holy garments.’ What type of garments do you wear to the House of God? Is your attendance in the House of God an opportunity for you to flaunt your ‘goods’ and become a distraction to those who’ve come to hear Word of God? Is your dressing to church intended to cause the minds of men to wander and indulge in ungodly thoughts while in the house of God? 

Have you decided to show a little skin so that that godly brother of your interest can take a glance at you? Actually, true godly men avoid women who dress provocatively, and whose motives are to entice them; they know that such is the suggestion of the devil to cause them to sin and so they pray fervently against those women in their fellowship. True godly men desire women that are modest in character and in dress because to choose the way of modesty is to be Christ-minded which is wisdom. So, if you are one of those ‘sisters’ who is yet to walk on the path of modesty and Christ-likeness, I pray the transforming power of the word of God will translate you from the kingdom of darkness to that of Light, and totally conform you to the image and mind of Christ in Jesus’ name!   
Holy garments are those that properly covers the delicate parts of our body – indicating its sacredness. Something that is precious is appropriately preserved, carefully cared for, and is not given to any ordinary person. A special gift is often well thought about and given to a well deserved person. Our bodies are sacred, special, and a gift. Please, let us not cheapen it by carelessly advertising it for all of humanity to behold. I pray we will allow Christ to help us preserve and protect our bodies and at His perfect time lead us to give it to the man or woman who is well deserving of it in Jesus’ name.

A genuine Christian will understand that putting on ‘holy garments’ is not a temporary activity for Sunday mornings, or days of going to God’s house, but that holiness is a lifestyle – that every day, you are conscious that God is constantly watching you from His throne and expects that as His child, you are holy in mind, and in thought as well as in dress as you step out of your home and into the world. I pray the Lord will give us grace and burning desire to put on holy garments and to be thoroughly holy at all times in Jesus’ name. For, “…holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.”-Hebrews 12:14. “…Be ye holy; for I am holy.”-1 Peter 1:16

Outfit Breakdown
Hat: Kmart
Jacket and inside tank: Gifts
Skirt: Telco
Shoes: Burlington online
Handwatch: Kohls
Handbag: Burlington online

Song: “Holy Ground”

Have a holy week ahead!