Modesty: Addressing the Whole Woman

‘Modesty’ is often spoken of in regards to women’s apparel. However, the Bible addresses modesty in a holistic manner: mind, spirit, and body. In order to be thoroughly modest within and without, our hearts must love the Lord fully (Deuteronomy 30:6), our minds must be transformed by His word and not be conformed to the standard of the world (Romans 12:2); our bodies and its members must be yielded to God for proper covering and for doing and applying things to our bodies, His temple, that will bring glory to His name (Romans 12:1; Genesis 3:21).  The word ‘modesty’ is not limited to the physical aspect of a woman, but can be used referring to her character. A woman can be perfectly modest in apparel; but totally ugly in character.  There ought to be congruence in our profession of faith, and our physical appearance; thus, indicating a total internal and external transfiguration by an encounter with Jesus Christ.

When we talk of modesty of character we refer to a change of heart performed by Jesus Christ, and adoption of Jesus’ character of lowliness, humility, and simplicity. This change of heart as a result of an encounter with Christ is the catalyst of modesty within and without. The work of modesty is not complete if it is not seen in a person’s character and in their apparel. Modesty of character means that we are clothed with humility. Our comportment exude gentility, and our speech simple and assertive, yet full of kindness, grace, and wisdom. Modesty of character is not loud and rowdy, nor rude and stubborn, neither is it aggressive nor flirtatious.  

Modesty of character is confident and courageous; but, not proud. Modesty of character affirms, encourages, and uplifts with her speech; but not flatter with her lips. Modesty of character is not cunning and mysterious; but honest, transparent and sincere. Modesty of character is serviceable, hardworking, giving, and not lazy, idle, and greedy. Modesty of character is not money-hungry, nor attention-seeking. Modesty of character is selfless and not selfish. Modesty of character is patient and kind. Modesty of character loves at all times and does not harbor hatred, bitterness, and anger. 

Ultimately, a woman with a modest heart is deeply rooted and built-in Christ (Colossians

2:7) the sure foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11). Her Christian convictions are entrenched in, and emerge from the Rock of ages; hence, she is unmoved (Psalm 46:5) and not tossed around with philosophies, vain deceits, and the traditions and doctrines of men (Colossians 2:8). This woman is known, and well spoken of by the people who engage with her because of the glorious Spirit of Christ that is activated in and on her and which emanates to all! 

Indeed, Modesty is an attitude of the heart which transcends to the physical body and overshadows a person as a light that is undeniably identifiable, irresistible and attractive. Christ-like Modesty is all-encompassing.

Are you modest in your character, and in your apparel? Or do people repel your personhood because of your indiscreet, boisterous, and tempestuous personality? Jesus says “learn of me” (Matthew 11:29), He desires that we put on his lowly and meek character. If you don’t possess this holistic modesty, I pray you will trust God for a definite and total transformation. If you pursue, thirst, and pray for it you will receive it in Jesus’ name. 

I pray that the radiance of the Son of Righteousness will shine in our hearts and life this year as we desire to live selflessly in Jesus’ name! May we daily live up to this Christ-like lifestyle in Jesus’ name. Amen.

READ more content on Modesty HERE

Visit my Youtube channel for more modesty and natural hair content HERE

Shop my Poshmark closet for modest clothing HERE

If you don’t already have a relationship with God, you may begin your journey of inner and outer purity HERE.

Be pure within and without.
Yours in Christ,
-Charity B.