Daily Manna: “Divine Illumination”

TEXT: PSALM 119:17-24
Key Verse: “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” (Psalm 119:18). 

Charles H. Spurgeon said: “We would be abler teachers of others, and less liable to be carried about by every wind of doctrine, if we sought to have a more intelligent understanding of the Word of God. As the Holy Spirit, the Author of the Scriptures alone can enlighten us rightly to understand them, we should constantly ask His teaching and His guidance unto all truth.”

“When the prophet Daniel sought to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, what did he do? He set himself to earnest prayer that God would open up the vision. Therefore, if you desire to be “filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding,” remember that prayer is your best means of study. “Like Daniel, you shall understand the dream and its interpretation when you have sought God. You may force your way through many barriers to understanding with the leverage of prayer. Thoughts and reasoning are like the steel wedges which give a hold on truth, but prayer is the lever which forces open the treasure hidden within.”

The essence of this divine illumination propelled the psalmist in our text today to, among other things, offer a supplication to God for Him to open his eyes to behold wondrous things out of His law. The psalmist knew that God’s mind, which is revealed in the Scriptures, was deeper than the deepest ocean. Therefore, he prayed earnestly to God to show him the light in this strange and dangerous world of darkness.

A natural man, by nature, is blind to the things of God. There are wonderful things which God has hidden in the Scripture from the casual readers of the Bible. Yet, the same Bible passages give eternal life to those whose eyes are opened by God. He is ready to reveal more of Himself to you. But are you ready? Seek His face now in earnest prayer and He will bring divine illumination upon your life.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: God’s word is the fountain of living waters to the sincere seeker.
“Open my eyes that I may see”

I pray the Lord will give us a hunger for His word, and illumine us each time we open His wondrous words of life in Jesus’ name.

Have a blessed day!

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