Bible Study: “The Love of God’s Children for Their Enemies”


But I say unto you,
Love your enemies, that ye may be the children of your Father which is in
Our character or conduct
reveals whose children we are. The New Testament speaks of (1) the children of
God (Matthew 5:9; 2 Corinthians 6:17,18; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 5:1-6), (2)
the children of the wicked one (Matthew 13:38; 1 John 5:18,19), (3) the
children of this world (Luke 16:8), (4) the children of light (John 12:36;
Ephesians 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:5-8), (5) the children of disobedience
(Ephesians 2:2), (6) the children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3) and (7) the children
of the devil (1 John 3:8-10; John 8:44).
By birth, by nature and
by practice, we have all been children of disobedience, children of wrath,
children of this world, children of the wicked one and children of the devil.
Only by conversion, through repentance and faith in Christ, do we become
children of God. As children of God, we manifest the character of God. With the
Spirit of God living and abiding in us as God’s children, we bear the fruit of
the Spirit – love in all its gracious expressions. This love is most visible
and noticeable in our actions towards our enemies.

Love your enemies, bless them that
curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully
use you, and persecute you
.” These are not imaginary or supposed
enemies; these are active enemies. They openly and actively reveal themselves
as our enemies by cursing us, speaking evil of us and to us, wishing evil to
come on us; showing hatred to us by attitude, action and words; despising,
insulting and attempting to hurt us and our interests; persecuting or causing
us emotional and physical pain. By their action, they demonstrate plainly and
clearly that they are instruments in the hand of the enemy of our soul (Matthew
13:39). What is the reaction of a true child of God to human enemies? “Love
them, bless them, do good to them, pray for them
.” The first thing is to
forgive them, because without such forgiveness we cannot love them as Christ
commanded. Then, we pity them and pray that they might repent, turn from sin
and Satan to God and righteousness so as to escape eternal judgement and the
condemnation of enemies of righteousness.

God’s children are to be like their Father Who
is in heaven. In what way? God gives sunshine and rain, fruitful seasons,
harvest and food to the just and the unjust. We, as children of God, should
also give appropriate and good things to our enemies. Yet, we must “rightly
divide the Word of truth
.” We cannot give to anyone, friend or foe,
that which belongs to God only. Our heart, worship, life, family and children,
tithes and talent all belong to God. Also, we cannot give to anyone, brethren
or enemies, that which only God, not man, can give. Only God can give
salvation, spiritual gifts, ministry, heaven and eternal rewards. And we cannot
give to our enemies what God has commanded specifically to be given to Him, to
His Kingdom or to our family and children. What then are we to provide and give
to our enemies? “Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst,
give him drink
.” Love him: forgive and give.

This message was so convicting! I encourage you to please tune in to the bible study this week! I pray it blesses you in the name of Jesus.
