Question: Should Women Professing Godliness Wear Trousers?


This post was inspired by a question that a visitor of the blog asked. I took time to pray and go through scripture pertaining to this very topic in order to construct an answer based on my understanding on the matter inspired by the Bible of reasons pants/trousers should not be in the wardrobe of any woman but especially Christian women in our modern society. 

My Response: Wow, thank you so much for your analysis and thought-provoking question! I do appreciate it. In the beginning, God made male and female (Genesis 1:27; 5:2). Right there at creation, we see the difference in the two individuals that God created – not two males, not two females but male and female. Deuteronomy 22:5 infers that because God made male and female there must be a physical differentiation between them in their dressing to speak to their individual genders.  This kind of difference is not only to be seen in the stitching of the clothes but in an application; such distinction is expected to be seen mainly but not limited to the clothing worn on the lower part of the body. This is not to say that women should purposely go out and purchase men’s shirts etc for their upper body; we are to still purchase the clothes that are deemed appropriate for our respective genders as designated in department stores. HOWEVER, there MUST be a variance in the lower region of the clothing that the two genders put on. This is because a woman’s body is shaped completely different from a man. A woman has curves, and her rear end is padded a little more than our male counterparts. Women are very beautifully unique on the lower region of our body; yet, our figure is a great temptation to the eyes, imagination, and thoughts of the men in our world; because of that, and to promote godliness God expects women to wear clothing that will fit loosely on our body so that we are not causing men to commit the inward sin mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 5:28.

Nowadays when you go into department stores trousers in the female section of the store are labeled and designed to accentuate a woman’s curvy figure. Even though God created our body to be the way that it is, it was not meant for public display for every man to look and lust upon; our body is to be seen in totality and enjoyed by our “Adam” remembering that Adam was the only man who saw Eve in her nakedness. “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”-Genesis 2:25 The enemy through the wearing of pants by women has introduced immorality on a grander scale as men lust after these women in pants and various other immodest apparel inwardly and outwardly as adultery and fornication abound! As one article states “even the world recognizes the distinction between men and women’s appearance evidenced by the universal symbols designating restrooms in public places: a figure wearing pants for males and a figure wearing a dress or skirt for females.” In our world today, many Christian women wear pants and just because those Christians are doing it doesn’t make the wearing of pants by females acceptable in the sight of God. “Adam saw nothing wrong with Eve eating the fruit. He joined her in doing so. Cain saw nothing wrong in offering grain in worship. Aaron saw nothing wrong with the people dancing around a golden calf. Yet, each of these was a serious offense to the Lord and brought His strong condemnation.” The distinction at creation in the two people that God created is expected to transcend to the clothes the two genders put on so as to foster orderliness in the world (1 Corinthians 14:40). “

Clothing such as is worn on the upper body for both male and female are worn in similar ways; yet stitched and designed differently for male and female. We are to purchase the ones that are deemed appropriate for our respective genders. However, due to the unique shape of a woman’s lower body which pants tend to shamefully expose Christian women are to stay away from it. Pants is a man’s garment as seen even as universal restroom designations as the women’s restroom have a sign of a female in a skirt or dress and a sign of a male in trousers for men’s restroom. Also, pants throughout history have always been known to be worn by males – farmers, police officers, soldiers, etc. “On June 25, 1977, the American Broadcasting Company, in [a] research presentation called ‘Close-up’, [stated], ‘approximately twenty-five years ago, the female began to adopt the lifestyles of men, to demand men’s work patterns, to participate in masculine activities, and to wear masculine apparel.” Now in order for the enemy to make women sin against God, he has inspired designers to pattern pants for females but this time making it compliment the female body – revealing her curves and wrongly exposing her rear end so that men can lust – sin further multiplied! This feminizing of pants encourages Christian women to argue that “well after all there are women’s pants and men’s pants” not knowing the plan of the enemy! Pants for women are immodest as its design and make-up are to bring complete attention to the figure of a woman’s body to be lusted upon and idolized by men. Pants being “baggy” is an additional way for the enemy to make it acceptable to wear. “One may wear loose slacks, but they still show the form of their legs, thighs, and posterior, and as soon as that lady bends over, squats, or sits down, those slacks will be stretched tightly over their form and reveal just as much as if they wore tight pants.” The devil will always do all that he can to deceive people into disobeying God’s command and give them reasons to justify their sinful actions. 

Pants are worn by women also removes the beauty of being discreet, chaste (Titus 2:5) having a “meek and quiet spirit” (1 Peter 3:4), that God expects of women from within to be seen outwardly. When females wear pants they sit and behave anyhow, they are not careful that any part of their body will be exposed if caution is not taken. Oppositely, when a female wears a skirt or a dress she sits in a certain way, she does not involve herself in activities that will cause her nakedness to be exposed; she is careful, gentle, and meek just as God expects! Essentially, training young girls at an early age to wear skirts helps instill in them and molds the female character of gentleness, chastity, and sobriety. Pants free females to behave in ways that are unbecoming of the female gender that God created. God demands distinction of the genders as even our reproductive organs vary! Masculinity is associated with aggression, protection, and provider which the wearing of pants fully supports as men are strong, able bodies working diligently to provide for their families. Femininity, on the other hand, is associated with submissiveness (that submission is challenged and put to the ultimate test as the wife and husband wear pants in the same home denoting two ‘heads of authority’ when there should only be one head – the man), gentleness, and humility. 

Wearing of pants by women creates in their mind the idea that they can do what men can do; sadly do they realize that the kind of godly respect, support, protection and ‘honor’ (1 Peter 3:7) that they deserve from males has been depleted; females strive to be on the same level with men, competing with men in wearing pants and taking on “men’s jobs.” If a man is in a position where he is competing with his fellow man on the corporate ladder there is only room for “pushy-pushy” attitude and doing whatever it takes to reach to the top! There is very little room for gentleness and consideration for the opponent! Many a times the opponent is a woman! How can a man give respect to a woman who is adamantly striving to achieve a position that he feels belongs to him as a man? God created females to be treated as queens, king’s daughters not to be trampled upon, called filthy names, and competed against by males! As I examine the female character and role through scripture, I realize that women were not originally designed to take on jobs in our world that we often associate with the male gender such as construction workers, soldiers, firefighters, Sanitation workers, etc. This is because such professions encourage equality of the sexes. 

God did not intend for there to be equality in male and female. God created Adam first and gave him the authority to give name to everything that He made (Genesis 2:19). This shows that God has given men a special position and prerogative in the world. Women as scripture puts it are “weaker vessels”; something that is weak is to be held and cared for with all prudence and sensitivity; but as the weaker vessel women are not to be disregarded and treated as less than or inferior to man rather women are to be given honor. There is divine beauty in the difference in male and female. Men are strong and women are delicate and soft. Male and female differ; yet there’s a glorious balance and congruity in the variance in male and female which gives glory to God the creator. The only biblical equality that males and females have is that they are heirs together of the grace of life (1 peter 3:7); and joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). God sees all his children as equal beneficiaries of pardon of sin through the sacrificial death of His son, grace to live a life that pleases Him, and blessings that accompany obedience to his word; nevertheless, equality in the appearance and conduct of male and female is unacceptable in His sight.

Scripture affirms that women should be “keepers at home” (Titus 2:5); (this however does not condemn women working with their hands and earning an income – check out the Proverb 31 woman! This is a topic for another day); but rather being a keeper at home is every woman’s primary responsibility.  A keeper of the home in this context is a woman who manages the home, takes care of the daily activities in the home as well as train the children and bring them up in the way of the Lord. But as the world has so advanced women have taken roles in society that forces them to abandon their God-given first job of a home maker. Furthermore, because a lot of women now do “men’s job” such as police-officers, and their involvement in the military, etc they are placed in a position whereby they “must” wear pants in order to uphold their position in the job or even do the job in the way that the men do it for a job well done. However, if a Christian women feels as though God is calling her to perhaps go into a profession whereby she will be required to wear trousers I believe that that is between that individual and God. But I do have to add that God is not an author of confusion; with that, I strongly state that no matter the nature of the job if a woman professing godliness desires to wear skirts God will give her the favor she needs in the job and in the sight of her bosses to honor Him. I will also dare add that I have noticed that there is a certain beauty and femininity in the appearance of females when they wear skirts and dresses modestly revealing their dignity and identity with Christ as opposed to trousers. 

I am certain also that no matter the culture in different places of the world skirts and dresses have always been an object of clothing that is worn by women. Therefore, if there are cultures where there seem to be a bit of ‘cross-dressing’ Christians in such places have to take a second thought in reevaluating their cultural clothes so as to showcase the distinction (not only in stitching but in application) in clothing that God commands of the two very different genders that He created. God’s word is more powerful and to be obeyed OVER any earthly culture or tradition (Acts 5:29; 1 Sam 15:22). In addition, I have faith that God preserves His people who have purposed in their hearts to serve and obey him. So then if a Christian woman who has purposed in her heart to serve and live for God happens to live in Antarctica and chooses to wear skirts even in the brutal cold weather, I am confident that she will be hidden under the pavilion of God, and clothed with the perfection of His divine protection because God honors those who obey Him (1 Samuel 2:30). 

Personally, I refuse to put on clothing that are ‘masculine’ trousers in particular. God created me as a woman differently from a man. I choose to wear clothing that will publicize my feminine character of chastity, meekness, humility, sobriety, quiet spirit, gentleness and kindness. I have found that skirts and dresses endorse this beauty of femininity; thus, I will obey God and dress distinctly from the male gender as God desires. Not my will but His will be done (Luke 22:42).

For the individual who asked this question I pray I’ve answered your question.
God bless,