Modesty: Are You Covered?

Verse should be Isaiah 61:10*
Specific Guidelines for Modest Dressing:

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present YOUR BODIES a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”-Romans 12:1

“…that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.” – Exodus 20:26

“And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness;…”- Exodus 28:42

The purpose of modesty in dressing is to teach women to adapt a simple approach to dressing and physical grooming. With that motive in mind there are areas of our body that must be concealed and be brought to subjection so that God’s name will be exalted in us and that the males who surround us may not commit inward sin due to our failure to cover our nakedness. The specific areas that must be carefully observed when dressing are: 

Chest area – exposure of breasts are a tremendous distraction to anyone. The neck line of blouses should be over the collar bone (turtle necks are extremely safe to wear!) or right below the collar bone but not in alignment with armpits – must be above. This helps prevent “spillage” when we bend over. If you must, insert a high neck line tank-top under a low-cut top. In my case I often wear my tank-tops backwards so that I am fully covered as the back tends to be higher up than the front. Anything way below the collar bone is really dangerous. Use armpits as a guideline;remember that tank neckline should be above armpit. Please let’s also keep in mind that our blouses are not extremely tight. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to remind us of modesty and moderation in dress.

– Arms – blouses should have sleeves that cover upper arms to elbows and or downward. The proper sleeve lengths for a Christian lady are half and three-quarter length sleeves. Proper sleeving adds class and elegance to a woman’s over-all look!

Torso– blouses should fully cover from neck down and should fall well over, or tucked in skirt; belly should not be seen neither should your panties and blouse should not be too tight. Avoid purchasing clothing that are made with sheer fabric – they are made using thin thread which results in transparency. In addition, the straps of bra should not be seen. It is an under garment and should remain in its rightful place.

Waist area – The contours of buttocks shouldn’t be noticeable when wearing a skirt. Skirt should be loose especially in the lower back region; skirts should loosely grace hips and buttocks; it should not be skin tight. 

Skirt length– while growing up I was told that a man should not see the back of my knee. If the back of the knee was visible it was an indication that the skirt was too short. The correct length skirt for a Christian lady is at the knee; but I recommend a few inches below the knees when standing – this allows the skirt to be able to sit slightly over knees when sitting. It helps prevent constant pulling down. Any skirt that flows downward to toes is excellent! 🙂

Always remember that the littlest skin that is shown can be very dangerous for a man’s eyes to behold. Be ware. If we are true Christian women we will keep the men in our world in mind and help them not to fall because of careless dressing! Also a true lady of God should not put on trousers. Trousers is a man’s garment. Trousers, tights and leggings reveals the very contours of a woman’s figure as an inappropriate public display. It ought not be so. I call that “covering to uncover.” They are covered but still exposed. God wants us to be modest. Our clothes should breathe on our body. 

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.”-Deuteronomy 22:5. It really doesn’t help anyone to continue to argue the word of God. We need to yield to God’s command, ask for grace, and humble ourselves to obey it. (Click here to find out the reasons women should not wear pants according to the Bible)

Lastly, true modest dressing ought to make us feel 100% comfortable through out the day. It helps us to not repetitively pull down our skirt, or pull up our low-cut top or perpetually take trips to the bathroom to “fix” ourselves. May God help us in Jesus’ name – amen.

“And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi (insert your name), and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.”-Malachi 3:3

May the spirit of God himself direct us in the way we should go in the area of our dressing and may we willingly allow him to raid our closets and remove any piece of garment that does not bring glory to God in Jesus’ name. Purge and refine us Oh Lord, that we may be found worthy of being clothed with your “Robe of Righteousness” in Jesus’ name -amen.

Have a blessed day!