VIRTUOUS YOUNG BRIDES: Temple Building Series

Hello Ladies, 

Thank you all for contributing to our discussion on our hygiene this week! I enjoyed reading your personal experiences. 

1 Thessalonians 4:7 “For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.” Holiness is not just a spiritual virtue but a physical one as well. The way that we uphold ourselves in purity and cleanliness both spiritually and physically says a lot about who we are and to whom we belong.

Below are a few points to take away from the discussion this week: 

📌Hand washing: is the first line of defense in keeping healthy. Endeavor to wash hands before preparing or eating food, after a meal, after going to the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after handling garbage. Use hand sanitizer when hands are not visibly soiled; otherwise, wash hands with soap and water for at least 30 seconds paying close attention to nails by removing dirt under nails. 

📌Hair care: some ladies can go months without washing their hair – this is very unhygienic. Hair that is not attended to can definitely give off an unpleasant odor and it’s health can actually be compromised. Dirty hair is not healthy hair. A clean scalp is a healthy environment to promote healthy hair growth. Endeavor to wash your hair regularly at least once a week or twice a month. Keep a consistent hair washing schedule.

📌Bath and brush: 

Bath: it is important to bath at least once a day for ladies – twice if you have the luxury 😊. Applying soap and water to our bodies daily is a great way to rid ourselves of dirt, sweat and body odor. 

⭐️When bathing, focus on key areas as neck, armpits, genitalia (external only, please avoid internal cleansing as that can disrupt your body’s natural function), and feet especially in between toes. 


⭐️Brush teeth twice daily using fluoride toothpaste (“Fluoride is commonly used in dentistry to strengthen enamel, which is the outer layer of your teeth. Fluoride helps to prevent cavities”). 

⭐️Be sure to brush your tongue to eliminate bacteria-causing bad breath. 

⭐️Floss at least twice daily and between meals. Flossing helps to eliminate food left between teeth which can also cause bad breath

Here’s a good article on this topic: Click HERE

📌Body odor: it is essential to know your natural smell without deodorant. Deodorant helps to eliminate armpit odor. Applying deodorant daily after a fresh bath can help to keep unpleasant odors at bay and contribute to confidence in oneself as we interact with others in the world. Unpleasant odors that are noted without the use of deodorant can ward off people. No body wants to be around a stinky lady 🤨. There are fragrance-free deodorants as well as natural deodorants out there if we so prefer. Perfumes are not a necessity. People use it as preference.

Here’s a good article on this topic: Click HERE

📌Environmental: keeping a clean living environment speaks volumes about our identity. First of all, it makes us feel good and others feel comfortable when they are in our space. I have been in homes (sometimes of other Christians) and I’m often left questioning how a home of a believer can be so unkept. That ought not to be so. At least once every week, we must ensure that our living environment including bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen are cleaned and neatly organized. We must have a schedule for doing laundry on a regular basis. Endeavor to change bedsheets at least once a week or twice a month.

Here’s a good video addressing some additional areas on our body to keep clean: Click HERE

In this day and age when the world battles an invisible virus that is claiming lives by the day, it is important to do our part to ensure a healthy lifestyle through healthy daily practices. 

I pray that we will strive to maintain a consistent holy lifestyle within and without.

If interested and want to be a part of our community, you are welcomed to join our private WhatsApp group. Send me an email at [email protected] to gain access to the WhatsApp group or send me a DM on any of my social media platforms @mrs_charity_umar on instagram and Charity Umar on Facebook. See you in the WhatsApp group! This is a female-only group!

With love,

-Mrs. Charity Umar💕