Bible Study: “Divine Promise for the Poor”

I am really grateful for the Bible Study of this week. Matthew 5:3 is a verse of scripture that I am very familiar with  but after last night, I have a reformed intelligence about the verse. The mind of God was very much revealed to me in that verse. It was quite unbelievable.  

are those who are in penury and are starving but will reject help because of
the pride in their hearts. The poor, literally, are those who lack money to
provide for the basic necessities of life. With regard to eternity, the basic
thing is salvation. The poor in spirit is one that realizes that he has nothing
to pay for his salvation but relies on Christ completely for his salvation.
poor in spirit and the proud in spirit are different. In fact, you cannot be
poor and proud in spirit simultaneously. To be poor in spirit is to realize
that you have nothing to pay for your salvation and therefore,
tremble before God: him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and
trembleth at my word
poor in spirit looks at the might, greatness and justice of God and sees his
insignificance and absolute need of the mercy of God.

 Below are distinctions between those who are poor in spirit and those who are of a prideful spirit.

The Poor in Spirit…
1. Humble 
2. Contrite and penitent
3. True confession of sin (The Prodigal Son: Luke 15:11-24)
4. Condemnation of self for sin and suffering
5. Sincere exposure of self before God and man
6. Rely only on the Lord for Salvation
7. Plead for mercy like the Publican (Luke 18:13)

The Proud in Spirit… 
1. Naughty and haughty-minded
2. Conceited and proud
3. False confession of sin
4. Condemnation of others for sin and suffering
5. Hypocritical covering of sin before God and man
6. Rely on themselves for Salvation
7. Pray on their merit like the Pharisee (Luke 18:11,12) 

I encourage you to tune in to this week’s Bible Study. May God reveal His mind to you through His Word and bless you indeed as you listen!

Nothing but the blood & Hossana by Hillsong United

God bless,
with love