Curly Hair Solutions: Cornrows.

I have always had my hair styled in corn-rows since the very early stages of my life. Over the ages, it has proven to be a style that is yet to fail in terms of its neatness,  and duration. When my hair is corn-rowed, it often lasts some weeks which I find to be really convenient. I used to have my hair styled as such by professional braiders. But with the help of God, I now do corn-rows and in fact, I do my own hair! 🙂 All the subsequent styles I will be posting henceforth were done by me by the special grace of God, unless I specifically state otherwise. 

I’m just thankful to God. I’m often surprised that I braid and do my entire head of hair myself. I don’t know how I do it (lol); it’s God really. I’m not going to say that it’s been easy, it hasn’t been. There’s been a great deal of instances of failure and disappointment but “where there is a will, there is a way.” I no longer pay to have my hair done. I believe it’s a blessing to be able to do one’s own hair; not to mention it undoubtedly has saved, and continuously save me a whole lot of money! 🙂

Should you have any questions, please ask!

Thank you, for reading!

God bless.

With Love,