Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving E-card


“Thanksgiving” is an American tradition that is celebrated on the fourth week of the month of November on a Thursday. It is a day set aside for us to be thankful for life, family, friends and everything else in our lives. Although a certain day has been set aside for being thankful for all things, “Thanksgiving” should be a daily practice for all of us–especially Christians. We have the privilege of belonging to a Father who cares so much for us, loves us, and always provides for all of our needs. 

Thanksgiving though a national holiday, is celebrated differently from one family to the next. Nonetheless, it is assumed that all families around the U.S. gather together and share dinner around a table with their loved ones. The dinner’s main course is a whole turkey! (as pictured above). The turkey may be baked which I believe usually takes up to four hours or longer; but it can also be deep fried. I do not know much about the deep fried turkey, neither have I tasted, but I am definite that that it is how some families prepare theirs. 

Depending on one’s family heritage, the meals accompanying the whole turkey on a Thanksgiving dinner table may vary; but traditional meals include: mashed potatoes–sweet and regular, stuffing, green bean casserole, corn bread, cranberry sauce, sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, etc, etc. In my household, we prepare all of the above meals and more–inclusive of some of our Ghanaian dishes. Writing about all this food is making me hungry! 

So much about food let’s move to the more serious aspect of Thanksgiving. The majority of us are very fortunate to have loved ones and to prepare some or all of the aforementioned meals to surround our tables and fill our plates on a Thanksgiving afternoon or evening. Yet there are many out there who are very much less fortunate than us. I think we regularly don’t think of it until we encounter or hear of a person who may not have a family and a warm home to stay to spend this “thankful” holiday. 

Even as we celebrate this holiday with our families, let us remember others who may not be indulging in the same well prepared dishes and be surrounded by their loved ones. Let us be thankful to God Almighty for all that we have. But also pray for those who don’t have that God will “supply all their need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”-Philippians 4:19. Also that God will be their comforter during this day and always. Follow this link to watch this video that reminds us to be grateful and contend with whatever little we may think we have because others have it less than us!  

For those who don’t reside in the U.S. and may not be participating in the Thanksgiving event physically, I promise that I will be thankful for your life and for your reading this post! Don’t feel left out. Set today aside as a Day of giving thanks to God for His goodness in your life. Reflect back on this year, from January first to today and tell me God hasn’t been awesome! Your being able to read this post now, is great enough to thank God for! Psalm 107:1 says O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever.” 

For anyone who may not have loved ones to spend this Thanksgiving Day with, God is with and loves you, dearly! On this Day, if there’s anyone to look to, it is God. Thank God for preserving your life to witness this today. Though you may not be spending this holiday with the ones you love, you are not alone because God is your father and He is near, watching and caring for you! He loves You!

I am very grateful and Thankful to God for Your life, my life, my family, church family and all those whom I have ever come in contact with as I know it is all part of God’s plan. But most importantly, I thank God that He has opened my heart and eyes to know Him. I Thank God that He has opened my eyes further to see what He sees in this world and has placed in my heart a compassion to live a life that will portray Him so that souls will come to know Him! I am thankful for this blog and for all those who frequent it. God Bless You and continue to bless You via this medium!

This is my song of Thanks to God:  Bebre – Daughters of Glorious (Ghanaian Gospel)

The title “Bebre” literally means a lot, many things, plenty, etc

The songs says: 
“Many things You have done this year, my God, Thanks is due to You! Thanks be to Your name forever. When I think of all that You have done for me this year, I can’t thank You enough. Your perfect protection and your guidance has made me who I am today. When I go to sleep, I sleep. When it is time to wake up Your mighty hand wakes me up. Therefore, I will continue to praise You! You are a truthful God. Because of Your truthfulness, I am what I am. So if I am alive today, I say Thanks be to Your name forever!” 

Happy Thanksgiving From My Family to Yours!
Enjoy Your Day!
Stay Warm and Be Thankful!

Would love to hear how you spent your Day. 
Do share! 🙂

God bless Us all!