Curly Hair: Twists Style Part III

The Twists have returned! 🙂
So there will be plenty more twists styles presented on here due to my high liking for such a hairstyle. I just love twists! It is super easy to do, super versatile, and intricate-looking, which I love! 😉 Anyway..this time around though, there is a bit of a ‘twist’ to these set of twists 😉 
Read below to find out!

Style: Single Twists with Flat Two-Strand Twists

1. Bobby pins may be purchased at Walgreens, WalmartCVS, and any Beauty Supply store. 
(Please do not buy them from 99 cent stores. The ones from the 99 cent store, unfortunately, do not possess the same quality as other store brands do)
2. Hands/Fingers–of courseHow else would one twist, or do anything else for that matter? God is good.

How-To: Single twists follow the same procedure talked about in this post. Flat-twists were done somewhat by the same process, however, the flat twists have to actually be attached to the scalp. So for those who are familiar with cornrowing, flat two-strand twisting should be easy. It is less complicated than corn-rowing, especially for beginners. Nevertheless, it does require practice. I know how to cornrow myself, but when I was learning how to flat two-strand twist, it was strangely challenging. It took me a while to master the concept and though I am still refining my hands around the whole flat twisting thing, my hands have definitely gotten better around it. For those who do not know how to cornrow, flat two-strand twisting might just be the thing for you! As I’ve already stated, it is easy, and one only deals with two halves of hair as opposed to three in cornrowing. 

Flat Two-Strand Twist How To:
  • Choose where you would like the flat twists to be done on your head. Use a comb to carefully part that section of hair from the rest. Then part a small portion out of that area of hair whether small-medium size; however big a section one prefers. But this time around, the section of hair has to be long in length 
  • Comb through thoroughly with a wide-tooth comb for tangle free hair
  • Apply about a quarter-sized amount of Shea mix, hair butter, or hair cream of choice to the section of hair 
  • Grab 2 pieces of hair in the very front of that section of hair (be sure to not grab the whole portion of hair–just two small halves at first) 
  • Begin flat twisting by starting from the roots; gently intertwine the first half with the second making sure that it is forming a twist in a ‘lying’ position (as in laying on scalp). While doing so, add on other ‘loose’ hairs as you proceed
  • Continue until the section of hair resembles the first photo above
  • Follow the same procedure to completion
  • After completed, pin twists to your preference! 🙂

Enjoy! Let me know how it works out. 
Be sure to ask further questions if any, that I didn’t touch upon.

*Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please leave them in the comment box provided below* 

Thank you.

God bless You!