I believe God is THE greatest artist and designer I have ever known! There is NONE like Him!


    As per the title, God IS the greatest artist I have ever known, and will ever know! Can you seriously observe how intricately creative and perfectly placed each set of petals making up a whole flower is in general, but specifically in the picture above? I mean really. God is certainly also the greatest designer I have ever known, and will ever know! There isn’t a designer in this present world–no matter who they are who can even come close to how magnificent of a designer and a true artist God is!
   I can only imagine how much time HE spent into carefully crafting and exhibiting these stunning objects in our world to radiate HIS beauty. But yet again, God is God; and as Mighty as He is, literally spoke the world including such delicacy into existence! Can you imagine? Read Genesis Chapter 1 for a clearer understanding.
  I happen to really love flowers and color! Fortunately, I came across this gorgeous collage of flowers and thought what better place to post it than on here! 🙂 I adore God’s handiwork, really, I do. Have you paid attention to nature lately? Confession: I literally just ‘Googled’ ‘types of flowers’ & I am beyond AMAZED at how many different flowers there are; many of which I have never heard of nor seen. I am astonished at how divinely exquisite they each are! As I sit here, I am solemnly absorbing in their individual uniqueness and not to mention their artistry and loveliness! 
God never ceases to amaze me!

Enjoy viewing! 😀