My Conversion Story: The Night of Redemption (PART 1)

The picture was taken in September 2016

By the divine plan of God, I was born into a home where Christ is Lord and Master, Head, Counsellor, and Guide. A home where every child is taught His love and favor. By the grace of God, both of my parents were, and still, are active leaders in the church. Hence, growing up my life revolved around the church. My parents taught my siblings and me godly principles, prayed with us and taught us God’s wonderful words of life. In fact, I don’t ever remember a trace of resentment toward attending church services. I liked it. I especially had a ‘thing’ for godly Christian music. Whenever I heard Christian music something would happen to me. It was almost supernatural – I loved it. I felt a connection to this kind of music though I clung to the R&B and popular music of my generation. However, the Christian genre of music always made my heart exceedingly glad. 

BUT….with all of this godly upbringing, I was lost. I was always fascinated by the fact the people at church could pray for long periods and not run out of words and also worship God in a manner that seemed they knew God on a personal level. I was intrigued by this finding but never pursued it for myself. However, God was working on me. He passionately pursued me. From infancy, I attended various church Conventions, Retreats, Crusades, etc. Bits and pieces of the messages stuck in my mind, but because I had not had a personal experience of the transforming power of God’s word, I remained the same – Retreat after Retreat, Convention after Convention, same old me.

In the bible Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in Matthew 23:27,28 and really he was talking about me at the time! Jesus said “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead man’s bones, and of all uncleanness” verse 28 “even so ye outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.” To the public, I was a good girl; but in my heart I was dirty, I was struggling and needed a Savior! I had no peace nor soundness of mind. Despite my being an outwardly ‘good’ girl, I was completely filthy in the eyes of God because I did not have a divine connection with Him through His beloved Son Jesus Christ. Internally and privately, I battled with a sin unknown to the eyes of not even the people closest to me.  Nevertheless, I praise God for that wonderful night when His great love was revealed to me and drove me to the feet of Jesus to plead for forgiveness. I had just finished reading the ‘Search the Scriptures’ which is a booklet of bible studies that my church provides for its members. It was a Saturday night and the message for the next day, Sunday, was related to the end of the world prophesies – the great tribulation, the second coming of Christ, the anti-Christ, etc. 

This night was not the first night I had read or heard about such teachings. I had been in church my entire life; I would probably be able to tell someone the sequence of the end-time events from what I had been taught in my lifetime of being a churchgoer. However, that night the presence of God visited me in my room. I had the Saul of Tarsus type of experience. I was terrified of what I had read. I trembled with great fear knowing my end if I did not repent of my known sins! This fear drove me to my knees to the feet of Jesus where I confessed my sins to the Lord Jesus and pleaded for forgiveness. After my prayer, an unforgettable peace descended upon me in a manner that was supernatural indeed – one that I will never forget. It is interesting that even though my life was not perfect before encountering salvation, I knew the way out; essentially, I knew the way of salvation. Praise God for parents who raise their children in the way of the Lord and also for churches that preach the undiluted word of God as my own church ‘Deeper Life Bible Church‘ worldwide.  

Thank you for reading! WATCH OUT FOR PART 2!

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In Christ,
With love
-Charity B.