My Weekly Inspirations 23: God is Faithful In All Seasons


”There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.“

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

This week, I encountered a challenging situation at work – as nurses we face ethical issues all the time. This situation required me to act in an unethical way to achieve a desired result. It was a challenge but I prayed to the Lord and trusted Him to guide. I always pray before I go to work – for the Lord to give me wisdom, strength and grace to handle all situations and this would be an opportunity for Him to manifest Himself.

The Lord so delivered me from that unethical action that I was simply amazed! Suddenly it was no longer necessary as the party involved agreed to perform the actions needed. I then remembered the verse of scripture above. God is truly faithful and no matter how “cornered” we may feel as His children, He has always made a way of escape in the midst of temptation; we need only to ask Him to open our eyes to behold His provision of escape! Thank you, Jesus!

Modesty: Patients’ reactions is always priceless when they see that I am wearing a skirt scrub! It amuses me. They often comment that they no longer see nurses in skirts and then begin to reminisce on the nursing profession in days gone by when nurses wore dresses and hats. It is interesting how much the world has changed. But I am an old fashioned kind of nurse. I choose skirts and dresses as a general code of dress even at the bedside. This is how that I communicate modesty and my affiliation with Christ. Outward appearance is a conversation starter of my identity and an important component of who I am.

Below is a link for my nursing favorites


“To love your wife daily as Christ loves the church,
Requires a commitment that never will lurch.
It’s a bond that’s enduring, steadfast, and true,
With grace and forgiveness in all that you do.
Like Christ, be a servant, with humility’s grace,
Lift her up, support her, in each trial you face.
With patience and kindness, walk by her side,
In her joys and her sorrows, let love be your guide.
Forgive her shortcomings, as Christ forgives sin,
Embrace her with tenderness, let healing begin.
Cherish her deeply, with a love that’s sincere,
In your arms, let her know there’s nothing to fear.
Communicate openly, with honesty’s light,
In understanding and empathy, find your delight.
Celebrate her strengths, and lift her up high,
In your love and devotion, never say goodbye.
So love your wife daily, as Christ loves the church,
With a love that’s unending, through every lurch.
For in loving her truly, you honor His plan,
To cherish and protect her, as only a devoted man can.”

Written by My beloved

Motherhood: I recently watched a video in which a new mom of two discussed the challenges of being a mom with young children. I remember watching that video and understanding so deeply what this mom was feeling. When I became a mom of two, I was simply overwhelmed! Suddenly I had to learn how to juggle the needs of a newborn and toddler with conflicting priorities demanding my attention often at the same time! There were moments I felt drained, hungry and tired!

Here are a few things that have been helping me:

  1. Children are a blessing from God: in the thick of motherhood children can often be seen and described as an inconvenience, cumbersome and a distraction. However the bible calls children a reward the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Psalm 127:3. God gives us children as a reward from Him. I am learning to change negative descriptions of motherhood with positive ones
  2. This is a season: the truth is that children grow and one day they will be independent and I can have some personal time back! Until then, I am relishing these moments, taking lots of videos and pictures to reflect on in the future. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1
  3. The grace of God is available and enough: I have had to accept and depend on the grace of God so much more in this season. God has made me to understand that He has equipped me with the necessary grace to take care of my children and family; I have learned to lean into that truthful understanding and I have found peace. “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
  4. Acknowledge and express emotions: I strive to be vocal about my emotions – I share it with God and then with my husband. There are moments I have felt frustrated and shed tears. I have found that the acknowledgment and the expression of my emotions helps me to feel better and find encouragement to continue in my mothering. I have been reminded that even Jesus acknowledged and expressed His emotions, how much more me? “Jesus wept.” John 11:35

My favorite baby items
My favorite nurse supplies
My favorite modest finds
My favorite products for natural hair
My hair care line
I hope that you’re inspired by the 
4 M’s this week! 
Let’s connect on socials:
Instagram: @mrs_charity_umar
Facebook: @Charity Boadi (Mrs Charity Umar)

Marriage, Motherhood Youtube
Natural hair
*DISCLAIMER: Some links may be affiliate. I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.
With love, 
Mrs. Charity Umar

8 thoughts on “My Weekly Inspirations 23: God is Faithful In All Seasons

  1. These thoughts were beautiful written. Praise God for your encouragement and may He continue to bless and keep you.

  2. I’m glad you now have a website of your own. Randy super amazingggg!

    Thank youuu for the message you and your husband shared. They actually spoke to me.

    God bless you, your family, your profession and the works of your hands, dear mentor. Amen.

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