A New Chapter is UnderWay; Your Help is Needed and Will Be Very Much Appreciated!


As we begin together this new chapter of the blog, I am not only grateful for what God has already done but, I am excited about where He is going to take this blog! With this new chapter, I want to have our brothers’ voices heard by incorporating ‘guy things’. I have been told by guys that they find the blog to be more beneficial to the female gender than to them, to which I partially disagree. I want guys to feel just as welcomed as girls do to this blog. God doesn’t discriminate, and neither do I. For the guys who frequent the site or for those of you first-timers, I just want to let you know that I am trying my best to make the blog as unisex as possible.

For one, the males can certainly benefit from the music aspect of the blog. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think music is discriminatory of gender. Music ministers to all; Gospel/Christian music ministers to all hearts that are willing and that are obedient and receptive of it. The men can also benefit from the “setting the foundation” section of the blog. I ask that you please feel free (females included) to give your opinions on the “Modesty: Restoring a Lost Virtue” post. I would love to hear what you think! Speaking of Modesty, there is an addition I want to bring to the blog. I am thinking of incorporating a section of the blog dedicated to men as well as to women. I am in the process of putting together a series of questions concerning ‘Modesty’ with the hopes of receiving honest opinions from men and women.

One of the purposes of this blog is to empower young women. With that being said, one of the sources of low self-esteem for young girls is what they presume the male gender prefer in certain areas of their lives–especially in their dress. I believe that developing a set of questions on the topic of ‘Modesty’ will answer and hopefully get to the core of what the male brain thinks of how we present ourselves as females, to the world. I believe it will also be a source of encouragement and inspiration from women to other women. Now, I am not saying that as women our way of life should be the standard of what men think or even what our fellow women think. Absolutely not. Our lives should center no-one else but God! We should always seek to please Him ONLY. However, I personally love hearing from Christian men and men in general and their perspectives on certain subjects; I know that there are females who feel the same and would like to also hear what the male gender has to say as well as what other women have to say concerning ‘Modesty.’

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If a particular guy decides to speak negatively on something that is very dear to my heart as ‘Modesty’ and prefers that women dress more provocatively for his visual pleasure, I pray that God will change his heart; but his opinion will NOT make me and hopefully not make any other female to all of a sudden decide to dress the way that he prefers just to please or  to impress him. That is certainly not the purpose of this upcoming section of the blog. Henceforth, I am looking for men who are true Christians who understand the topic of ‘Modesty’ and how it relates to their fellow Christian sisters. For those men who are not yet Christian and prefer ‘Modesty’ as a way of dressing, I would love to hear from you as well. I pray that you will become full-time Christians in the process. 🙂

One thing is for sure: there is zero tolerance for negativity and or profanity on this blog. This is a godly blog and by God’s grace will remain that way. It is a safe-haven for encouragement, getting to know God, loving and pleasing Him and building a stronger more firm relationship with Him. As mentioned above, I am on the search for men/women of all ages, and ethnicities who will be as honest as possible on the topic of ‘Modesty’ and who will also be okay with being featured on the blog. All names will be limited to just initials; pictures will not be mandatory if one prefers not to have theirs displayed.

Ladies, if you are interested or if you’ve got brothers, male cousins, nephews, and friends who you think would like to be involved in this and you would like to hear their opinion on the topic of ‘Modesty’, this is a great opportunity to invite them to join and share their thoughts. For all who are interested, please leave me a comment below, or find me on Facebook (look to the upper right of page for a direct link) and send me a private message or a wall post. Thank you all so much for reading and for thinking about being a future participant! 🙂 Also, if any of you (both male and female) have any ideas and or suggestions for how to make the blog cater to all (both sexes), please don’t hesitate to let me know.
I hope to hear from YOU! 🙂

God bless All,