Autumn Wonder-Land? Hmm..

Leaves change colors; 
beautifully decorate our lawns, 
backyards, our campuses, our world. 
While in the midst the temperature gradually, but surely drops… 
I say let the Fall (Autumn) Season begin! 🙂
PAUSE! Snow in October? Really? This is certainly a first for me. Nevertheless, I am excited! Besides the fact that it is literally snowing out right now, I love Fall colors! My favorite color yellow is ever prominent during this time of year, and Fall is the onset of the Winter Season (seems Winter is arriving too early this year) which I anticipate believe it or not. Yesterday afternoon, as I was walking on campus, the bright yellow, orange and red leaves caught my attention and were reminiscent of how amazing God is.
I really appreciate nature and am just mesmerized by how beautiful it really is. It is so awesome to me that God has programmed every season to come with its own set of temperature, sometimes temporal degeneration of nature only to be replenished in due season. These seasons without a doubt dictate what kind of clothing we put on as well; whether we cover ourselves up until only our eyes are visible, or loosen up to enjoy the hot Summer sun.
Now let me clarify my reasoning behind “anticipating winter.” I am sure some eyebrows were raised. Okay, so one of the reasons I anticipate Winter is because of the way we “protect” ourselves. I love being bundled up in coats, tights, skirts, boots, scarves, hats, gloves and with my handy-dandy coffee cup! I don’t know, there is something about Winter that excites me. Growing up in Ghana, a typical day was sunny and hot with no trace of snow or negative zero weather in the air.
Initially upon arriving in the U.S., I really didn’t like the Winter. I liked snow, but I wasn’t appreciative of the drop in temperature. Often I had wished I would spend my Winter in Ghana and return for the Summer. But gradually I began to take a liking towards the Winter season. I liked the fact that it snowed during the month of December and sometimes on Christmas Day–Christmas carols, the fragrance of mom preparing the Christmas dinner, and Christmas movies such as “Home Alone” which often was on repeat through out the day were all pieces to a puzzle which slowly to came together to form what would become my new world.
Even now, as Fall is upon us and Winter virtually here, there is extensive.. (okay a bit exaggerated lol) preparation that is required of us if we intend to stay warm this Autumn and Winter Season. We need to prepare our homes, raid and store away our non-Winter friendly clothing and footwear from our wardrobes/closets, and even prepare our minds! Huh? How do we prepare our minds for Fall/Winter? Well, we just have to realize that the year is quickly drawing to a close; because of that, we must be in a state of mind of Praise and Worship to God our Father for His goodness toward us and for granting us the opportunity to be alive at this very time of the year.
We must recognize that it is a privilege to be alive. Others started this year with us but have passed on. You and I are here, alive and well, in fact reading this blog post right now! Isn’t that amazing? God deserves our praise! He has been excellent to us. No matter what you’ve been through from the beginning of this year, put all that aside and realize that being alive now alone is a gift and a thing to be thankful for. 
Festivities that are often associated with the Fall and Winter Season include Thanksgiving, Christmas Concerts, Christmas itself, Family gatherings and finally New Year! I am excited! 😀 I hope that you are too! I pray that just as God in His mercy, faithfulness, grace and Love has brought us thus far since the beginning of this year, He will continue to keep, sustain, and protect us even to see the New Year and to witness following years to come in Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Enjoy your Fall and early Winter Season! 🙂
Be safe and joyous.
Remember to maintain a disposition of Thanksgiving!

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Thank you.
God bless You!