Beauty: Jesus Christ, my Jewel and Source of Beauty

Over the years, I have learned and continue to learn that beauty is not in applying make-up, wearing jewelry, painting of nails, relaxing of natural hair, and attaching artificial hair. True beauty emanates from a life that is connected to Christ. Fidelity to Jesus Christ produces a life of true beauty. When a woman’s life is plugged into Christ, she becomes washed – her heart is cleansed from the filth of sin. Since the heart is the epicenter of all of our thoughts and imaginations when it is purged, the evidence is seen physically. Her actions and intentions are kind, selfless, pure and gentle. God clothes her with a glow that lets others know that she belongs to Him. 

With Christ, I stand in no competition with anyone. His beauty on me is incomparable with what the society and the world celebrate as fashion and modern-day beauty. Jesus Christ is my jewel and source of beauty. I take no pleasure in artificial beauty which dictates that application of make-up, wearing jewelry, attaching artificial hair, painting my nails is the norm, which ultimately geminates false confidence. My Lord has given me confidence beyond measure in my naturalness which He has given me. The fashions of the world do not fancy me. The revealing of cleavage and curvature do not appeal to me. 

My body is my Lord’s and His temple (1 Corinthians 3:16). In me, He dwells and through me, others are inspired and led to His heart. I am created to reveal what it means to be a daughter of the Most High God. I have a divine calling to be an example of a virtuous woman crowned with beauty, glory, and honor by her King. I am given solely to my Lord and desire to be daily clothed with His character and ever-enduring beauty that stems from within.  

Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? You too can be made beautiful inside out today as you surrender all at the feet of Jesus Christ.

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Have a blessed day!
The Modest Lady,