Beginning the Year on a Clean Slate of Complete Reliance on God

As you are blessed to begin a New Year, I want to challenge you to set some definite goals for yourself and hope in the Lord to lead, direct, and guide you in reaching those goals. Set specific goals for yourself and specifically (according to God’s leading) work toward achieving those goals before, or by the end of this year – let December 31, 2013 be your eventual deadline. James 2:17 says “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” In the New Year’s post, by the grace of God, I prophesied that plenty of great things will happen in mine and your life in 2013. 

Now, those things will not just happen by you and I folding our hands and looking up to the sky for its manifestation. As Mr. James said, if we have faith in God we should exercise that faith in our lives. As we set goals for ourselves it is needful to seek the face of God for ways through which He will guide us to fulfill those goals. By doing so, our faith is revived, and is quite active. 

This year, I desire to wholly trust in the Lord in all my ways.  Will you do the same? It is only a few weeks into the first month of the year; and I have a special exercise for you! 🙂 First, grab a pen and paper. Next, jot down specific things you will trust God to do for you this year. 

For example:
1. Want to have a more intimate relationship with God 
2. Want to attain straight A’s in all courses 
3. Want to adapt a healthier eating habit
4. Want hair (for women) to be healthier, and increase in length

After writing these things down, it is highly necessary that you ask God how to specifically work toward those things. 

In order for your goals to be fulfilled, there are four steps you must take.

1. Pray: present the written goals to God. Tell Him that these are your heart’s desires and the things you want Him to accomplish in your life this year. Ask Him to lead you to places, people, and resources by which you can do your part for His final execution of those goals.

2. Plan: After presenting your list of goals to God, it is then time to plan. Create a timeline for all the things on your list. Estimate and write down the amount of time, things, outside help, etc every task on your list will require. 

Goal 1: The individual may have a calling of women’s ministry so the Lord may lead them to specifically (but without exemption to the men and other characters) study the women of the Bible. Knowing this, the person may want to split their task of wanting to study the women of scripture by studying The New Testament women first, and then women in the Old Testament. They may estimate that it will take 3months each to study the women of The Old and New testaments – totaling  6months. 

Goal 2: The student may write down examination dates and paste it where it is easily visible by him or her in their home, or on their electronic device. This will help the student to create peculiar time to study effectively toward the exams. 

Goal 3: Well, for a healthier eating habit, the person may give themselves maybe 5months of restraining from junk food and introducing more whole wheat meals, fruits, vegetables into their diet. Then they can track what they eat daily and weekly and how well they are doing or not; and by the end of the five months, they can check to see whether the change has had a positive effect on their pursuit to better eating. 

Goal 4: One specific way to go about this task is for the woman to go online and gather information on how to properly care for her hair. The woman may want to take pictures of her hair in the present condition, perhaps measure her hair length, and buy some new hair products that will strengthen and improve the health of her hair altogether.

3. Prepare: After praying and planning towards your goals, it is now time to work toward those goals! The goals will remain stagnant if no specific actions are taken. Every goal will obviously demand a different approach of tackling it, but the list must be completed despite its individual special demands. 

Goal 1: To specifically and successfully achieve that goal, the Lord may lead the person to further seek out Christian books that focuses on women of the Bible. Such books are available in various book stores – Christian book stores in particular. They may also purchase other women related Christian books that will aid in their desire to deepen their relationship with the Lord as a woman. 

Goal 2: One tip I would give by God’s grace is that immediate reviewing of notes after lectures is highly beneficial to a student’s academic triumph. Reading over notes after every class will help a student retain the information learnt, and help them to quickly seek further clarification on areas they didn’t fully comprehend. This technique will eliminate ‘cramming’ when examinations are scheduled to be taken. 

Goal 3: God created food for us to enjoy. Therefore a great source for understanding nutrition is the Bible. Much research has been performed on the benefits and intake of various foods in our world by Christian authors who God will employ to teach one suitable nutrition for a wholesome lifestyle. The person may want to eliminate soda and sugary beverages from their diet and purchase a few healthy recipe books as they lean toward a healthier eating habit.

Goal 4: In her quest for healthier and longer hair, she may adjust to alternative styling along with proper hair products and techniques that will help her hair retain length.

Pray: The Bible commands us to “pray without ceasing”-1 Thess 5:17. If we are going to trust God to help us to completely perform our goals, we must connect to heaven on a daily basis through prayer. As we prepare for the performance of our goals, we must continue to ask God for His perfect counsel and direction. When God is brought into the equation, all of our goals will be fulfilled to His glory in Jesus name, Amen.

Below are some scriptures to keep in mind as we  fully rely on God AND do our part for the fulfillment of our goals this year:

Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God.” -Philippians 4:6

Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” -Psalm 37:5

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 

“Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself;  and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.”- Isaiah 8:13

“…believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. – 2 Chronicles 20:20c

“Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read…”-Isaiah 34:16

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success” -Joshua 1:8

“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart”-Psalm 37:4

“It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.”-Lamentations 3:26

May the Lord Guide us this year as we set goals for ourselves and give us humble hearts to seek Him to assist us to achieve all of our goals in Jesus’ name, Amen.

God bless you,