Bible Study: “Living and Laboring For God’s Glory”


We are favoured and privileged to
receive manifold revelations from Christ. This is because He did not always
open His mouth to speak when men desired Him to do so (Luke 23:8,9). The
revelations and experiences we receive from Christ’s teachings (Matthew 5:1-15)
bring on us a responsibility. And to every Christian Christ says, “Let
your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify
your Father which is in heaven
.”  So in this verse of Scripture
denotes that we, Christians, must allow our light to shine to a very high
degree, a great extent, an extra-ordinary level and with a higher quality of
brightness. Extra-ordinary quality of virtue or superlative emphasis on
a thing is also expressed in other Scripture references (John 3:16; Matthew
6:30-32; 8:10; Acts 14:1;19:20; Philippians 4:1; Hebrews 1:4; 2:3). The
floodlight of believers’ life then must have a supernatural path and effect on
the people. The light that shines from us must be with inexhaustible oil of
grace, love and of the Holy Spirit. 

has created, saved and imparted His nature in us for the purpose of showing
good works before men. Thus, we labour in good works before all men. Also, God
has given us the Scripture so we can be “furnished unto all good works”.
It behoves us, Christians, to endeavour to always live out a cleansed
Christ-like attitude, character and lifestyle that illuminates. Our lives then,
as Christians, must not only be full of good works but also patterns of good
works before men. We must be conscious that other people are always watching
us. They evaluate our behaviour, language, action and interaction. Therefore,
our lives must be full of good works. Anywhere, anytime and “in all
things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing
uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that
he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of
” (Titus 2:7,8). This pattern of good works is what God wants us to
demonstrate. This is because God is good and promises the everlasting covenant
for our good. Jesus, our perfect Model, went about doing good. The Holy Spirit
is good in that He guides and directs us. The priority and commitment of our
lives then must be to do good to others.”-from Bible Study outline

Tune in to the Bible Study this week and be blessed!

May the Lord enable us to be great examples of Christians that are patterned after His holy standard wherever we find ourselves in Jesus’ name – amen.

Have a blessed day!