Bible Study: “Profiting from Persecution”

true child of God is a peacemaker. He not only loves peace, wants peace,
promotes peace, works for peace, prays for peace, he also does everything to
maintain peace among people; he abhors completely all strives, discords and
contentions. He hates war because it engenders killings and if there is
anything he can do it is to make peace. He labours with all might to prevent the
fire of contention from being kindled and, where the fire is already kindled,
he endeavours to calm the stormy spirits of men and, to quieten the turbulent
passion, to soften the minds of the contending parties and reconcile them with
each other. That is the ministry of peacemaking.
To be
a peacemaker demands that we “recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide
things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in
you, live peaceably with all men
.” It demands that we make up our minds
to be the source of peace in the community. Make it a principle to allow the
Prince of peace to control everything you do or say to make for peace like
Abraham who took the initiative to make peace with Lot rather than promote
conflict. He had a willingness to be cheated in the situation. If everyone
fights for his right, there will never be peace. Even when you are not
personally involved in a conflict, you can also make peace between the warring
parties like Jonathan did between Saul and David. Like Jonathan, you should
study to know when there is conflict between people and ensure your language
promotes peace so that you will be able to reconcile men with men to ensure
peace reigns between them “as in times past.” The explanation and
peace-making effort of Gideon teaches that sometimes, being logical, showing
people their fault does not necessarily solve problems. Like Gideon, exalt the
qualities which the opposing party has which you lack and sincerely appreciate
his good qualities and see how to quieten the stormy spirit in the hearts of
men with soft answer.
making peace, you reconcile others too. When there was conflict between
Philemon and Onesimus, Paul the apostle was so committed to ensuring that there
was peace between them. Likewise, when there is conflict between people, don’t
take sides but work towards making peace between them.
Characteristics of a Peacemaker:
1. Practice peacemaking – Matthew 5:9
2. Model for peacemakers – Colossians 1:20; Corinthians 5:18
3. Ministry of peacemaking – Ephesians 2:5 
4. Message of peacemakers – Genesis 13:8; 1 Corinthians 6:1-7 
5. Mediation by peacemakers – 1 Samuel 19:1-6 
6. Mind of Peacemakers – Philippians  4:7-9
7. Method of peacemakers – Genesis 31: 36-44,52
8. Mistakes in peacemakers -Daniel 8:25; 11:21-24; Genesis 34:13,20-26

Peaceful children of God are abused, belittled, degraded because those in the flesh will always war against those in the Spirit. Those who are born after the flesh will always persecute those who are born after the Spirit. The unrighteous will persecute the righteous. It happened like that before and it continues to happen and will continue to happen: “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” The children of God are persecuted because they are not part of the sinful system of the world. When you dissociate yourself from the madding crowd of sinners, when you distinguish yourself from the world they will persecute you. After all, it is far better to suffer for righteousness than for sin; therefore, it calls for rejoicing. We are not to fight the persecutors; God, in His economy, knows best how to do that. The Lord has assured us that there will be persecution; therefore, He does not expect us to be surprised when they come.” -from outline

While in the midst of persecution: 
1. Do not fear
2. Do not fight 
3. Do not fly or flee
4. Do not faint 
5. Do not fall
6. Do not forsake the Lord
7. Do not be frustrated 

When facing persecution:
1. Require/ request for more grace
2. Rely on the Lord
3. Receive the grace of God
5. Renew consecration and commitment to the Lord
6. Reject self pity
7. Rest in the Lord

Want to hear more? Please tune in to the Bible Study of tonight and be blessed!

Have a good night