Bible Study: “Radiant Living”

reflect the light of Christ. Light has peculiar characteristics. (i) Light
penetrates and eliminates darkness in the community. (ii) Light enlightens and
enlarges a person’s vision and knowledge of an area. (iii) Light reveals and
opens up the truth of an area and clears up the way to the truth. (iv) Light
guides and directs the way to go and leads along the right path. (v) Light
differentiates between the right and wrong way. (vi) Light warns of the dangers
that lie ahead a person’s path. (vii) Light protects a person from the dangers
of stumbling, falling and sustaining
injury posed by darkness.

Christian life should be so radiant that others would be able to take a good
cue from it and go the right direction. It should be so useful to and
influential on others that they would rejoice to take after it. When the
penitent is cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus, it becomes easy for him to
bear the light of the gospel which will influence others. The radiant Christian
holds forth the word of life. At every opportunity, he does “all things
without murmurings
and disputings” and lives as one of the
blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the
midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the
”. Those who are murmuring and disputing are yet in darkness.
Honesty, faithfulness and frankness are some of the characteristics of radiant
Christian living. The Christian is called to live the radiant Christian life;
therefore, he is to always shine forth the marvelous light of the gospel. Those
who live the radiant Christian lives are those who can positively influence
others and in the end, shine as light forever.

Christians, like light, have a
ministry of influence. They are like light. (i) Light is placed where its
influence can be best used and felt. (ii) Light has different strengths. The
more people to influence, the greater should be the strength of the light.
(iii) Some places in the world are brightly lit up while others are dimly lit.”-from bible study outline 

                                            “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me

                                             All His wonderful passion and purity

                                         Oh, Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine

                                            Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me”

The only way the light and beauty of Jesus will be seen in us is that we daily pursue Him, hunger and thirst after righteousness, and consistently want more and more of Him.

May the Light of the Bright and Morning Star Jesus, shine through us by the wisdom and knowledge of His word in Jesus’ glorious, shinning name -amen.

Tune in to this week’s Bible Study HERE; please scroll down on the page. May you and be blessed!

Have a blessed day!