Bible Study: “Supernatural Wonders in a Spirit-Baptized Church”


All the Apostles, disciples and new converts
became a witnessing community “and the Lord added to the Church daily
such as should be saved
” (Acts 2:47). Such as were saved, truly saved;
and “such as should be saved”, finally saved. The addition
happened DAILY because the believers were all preaching the saving gospel, the
life-changing gospel, the heart-transforming gospel DAILY. “And DAILY in
the temple, and IN EVERY HOUSE, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus
” (Acts 5:42). May the whole Church be committed to doing the
same thing today.

A church that will win soul’s for the kingdom of God must exhibit specific characteristics. The church must be: 
1. Convicted
2. Converted
3. Committed
4. Consecrated
5. Conformed
6. Confined
7. Courageous
8. Continuing

A church that desires to reach souls for God must be Single minded focusing on:
1. One thing: preaching the Word
2. One Lord they must please
3. One goal: saturate the world with Jesus!
4. One doctrine: teachings of Jesus Christ
5. One example: Jesus Christ
6. One destiny: Heaven

A church that whose goal is to reach the world for Jesus must be:
1. Dead to self
2. Dead to solicitation of society
3. Dead to suggestions of satan
4. Dead to suffering from sinners
5. Dead to seduction of seducer
6. Dead to snares of scoffers and scorners

Please listen to the Bible Study and be blessed!

May God give us compassionate hearts to rescue the perishing for His Kingdom in Jesus’ name -amen.

Gob bless,