Bible Study: “The Destiny of Multitudes in the Popular Way”

Matthew 7:13

From the beginning and throughout the Sermon on the Mount, the
Lord, Jesus Christ speaks about the Kingdom of heaven, the Kingdom of God
(Matthew 5:3,10,19,20; 6:33; 7:21). His focus was on the destiny of man. The
Lord looks at life as a journey, a journey from time unto eternity. He reveals
that there are only two gates – the wide gate and the strait (narrow) gate;
only two ways – the broad way and the narrow way; only two destinations – destruction
and life. There are only two destinations unto which any of us can get to; the
path we are treading will lead to either eternal peace and happiness in heaven
or eternal torments, sorrow and suffering in hell. The choice we make of which
gate we enter, which path, road or way we walk in will determine our final,
eternal destiny after this life. God has ordained only two distinct places to
be the final, eternal abodes of men after this life, and between them, He has
fixed a great gulf so that none can pass from the one to the other (Luke
There are only two gates, the wide gate of multitudes, the
majority of the human race; and the narrow gate of the few who make the right
choice which God has ordained. And there are only two ways, the popular way,
the spacious road on which broadminded multitudes travel, and the narrow way,
the unpopular road traversed by the few who walk and follow the Lord closely
and consistently. There are only two destinations, not three. Some religious
people have invented a third destination which they call ‘purgatory’. It is an
imaginary place of human invention which does not exist. Men enter through the
wide gate or the narrow gate; there is no third gate. Men travel on the broad
way or the narrow way; there is no third way. There are only two classes of
people – believers or unbelievers, saints or sinners, the few or the many. We
are either in the light or in darkness; in the truth or in error; among the few
or among the multitude; either righteous or unrighteous. There is no third
category. There are only two ends – the end of the broad way or the end of the
narrow way. There are only two destinations for travellers journeying through
life – life or destruction. There are only two destinies – heaven or hell.
Where will you spend eternity?
         Matthew 7:13; Genesis
6:5,12; Psalm 14:2,3; Isaiah 59:7,8,13-15; Romans 1:28-32; Romans 3:9-19,23;
Ephesians 2:2,3; Philippians 3:18,19; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 1 John 5:19.
            Wide is the gate.” Ancient cities have walls around them, and they have gates through
which people may go out or come in. The wide gates are spacious enough to admit
men and their loads or chariots while the strait, narrow gates take only
individuals without loads or encumbrances. The examples of wide gates (for big
trucks and vehicles) and narrow gates (for pedestrians) are still very common
in cities and communities today. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, often used visible,
known, natural things to illustrate spiritual, invisible, unknown, eternal
realities. For travellers to get into the way leading to their destination,
they go through the wide toll gate. The gate is the only avenue of admittance
into the way and it must be taken in order to reach the destination. All who
enter the wide gate will travel on the broad way and the only place this way
leads to is destruction, doom and damnation.
wide gate is the gate through which multitudes enter into life from the age of
accountability. The gate takes in everyone with loads of sin and evil without
any restriction or restraint. There is ample liberty for everyone desiring to
go through the wide gate; the Pharisee and the Saduccee, the hypocrite and the
reprobate, the covetous and the deceiver, the self-righteous and the religious,
the fleshly, sensual and pleasure-seekers, despisers of God and opposers of
righteousness, private and public sinners, unconverted moralists and unashamed
criminals, the proud and the worldly, vicious, violent men and vile, vulnerable
youths, wicked people and wandering backsliders, tempters, temptresses and
their victims all go through the wide gate that leads to the broad way of the
Matthew 7:13; Psalm 36:1-4; Proverbs 14:12; Isaiah 1:28; 13:6-11;
Ecclesiastes 11:9; Romans 2:16-24; 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12; 1 Peter 4:17,18;
Jude 11-16.
Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to
destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.
As we have noted already, the wide gate leads to the broad way
which in turn leads to destruction. The broad way is deceptive; it seems right,
proper and good to men of carnal reasoning. Since it is a crowded road with
many rich, intelligent, worldly-wise, religious and church-going people walking
therein; everybody thinks that these multitudes cannot be wrong. Among these
travellers are scientists, philosophers, successful businessmen, preachers and
priests, notable leaders among men, respected people in society. Can they all
be wrong? If they are on the broad way, they are deceived.
broad way is a downward road; it is easy, convenient and appears pleasant to
travel on. It is “the course of this world.” It is the path of
self-indulgence, self-gratification, self-interest, self-will, self-seeking and
self-satisfaction. There is no hedge, control or self-denial. It is an easy,
pleasant way to the flesh.
broad way is a dangerous road. Unknown to the travellers, it leads to
destruction, eternal, irreversible destruction. We can only escape the
damnation if we turn back from the broad way by repentance from sin, faith in
Christ, true and total conversion to Christ before reaching the end of the way.
There is no repentance or second chance after death. No one can be absolutely
sure of being alive another day. Decide today, enter the narrow gate and walk
in the narrow way.
Matthew 7:13; Philippians 3:18,19; 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9; 1
Timothy 6:9,10; Psalm 9:17; Isaiah 33:12-14; Matthew 23:14,25-28,33; Matthew
25:41; Luke 16:19-31; Psalm 2:10-12.
Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to
The Greek word translated
destruction” does not mean annihilation. It does not mean that
the “destruction” makes the many unconverted people who walked on
the broad way cease to exist. See the use of the words “destroy
and “destruction” and compare with other verses in the New
Testament (2 Thessalonians 2:8,9; 1:8,9; Revelation 19:20; 20:10). The
destruction or damnation refers to a state and a place of conscious, unending,
eternal torment and suffering.
   Hell, a place of eternal punishment, is the
final destination of all who walk on the broad way till the end of their lives.
The infallible Word of God describes the final destiny of multitudes on the
broad way as the lake of fire and brimstone (Revelation 20:15; 21:8), devouring
fire and everlasting burnings (Isaiah 33:14), a furnace of fire (Matthew
13:41,42), a place of torments (Luke 16:23), a place of everlasting punishment
(Matthew 25:46), a place of the blackness of darkness for ever (Jude 13), where
there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Luke 13:28).- from Bible study outline

I pray that the Spirit of God through the teaching and entrance of the Word will brought forth Light, Life, and revelation to your soul in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Be blessed!