Bible Study: “The Exceptional Growth of a Godly Church”


In those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied.”
Growth and godliness were inseparable in the early Church. Many thousands were
saved, stedfast, sanctified and Spirit-filled within a short period of time.
Satan tried to afflict the Church with persecution from outside and endeavoured
to inflict the Body with the cancer of deception from within. Perseverance and
prayer preserved the Church during persecution while purging and purity
preserved the Body in holiness, health and power.

we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word
The Apostles resolved to concentrate on praying and preaching. Private praying
preparatory to public preaching was to be their constant engagement. The daily
proclamation of the gospel was to be their constant employment. They had been
set apart and divinely commissioned by God for the salvation of souls and that
was to be their main commitment. Their lives, time, talents, gifts and skills
were to be wholly devoted to saving souls, discipling believers, strengthening
the Church, maturing Church members, equipping disciples for fruitful
evangelism; raising, training and enlisting more pastors and preparing saints
for the rapture. 

Apostles, guided by the Holy Ghost (John 14:26; 16:13), decided that seven men
should be chosen to be put in charge of food distribution to the needy so they
could be released to commit themselves to “prayer and ministry of the
.” The decision pleased the whole Church and unbroken fellowship
with unity continued in the Church. The Apostles gave the qualifications of the
“fellowhelpers” to be chosen. They were to be (1) among you, (2) of honest
report, (3) full of the Holy Ghost, (4) full of wisdom, (5) approved and
appointed by the Apostles. The clarity of the qualifications made partiality
impossible. The qualifications were spiritual and moral, not academic or
professional. It is important that those who are to be entrusted with the care
of a New Testament, saved, sanctified, Spirit-filled Church should be righteous
and godly, honest and faithful, saved and sanctified, Spirit-indwelt and
Spirit-controlled.”-from bible study outline

How does one know that they are filled with the Holy Ghost?
1. He/she demonstrates the fruits of the Spirit
2. He/ she is filled with the gifts of the Spirit – knowledge, understanding and wisdom of the Scriptures

So then being a possessor of the Holy Ghost your life must exude…


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God bless,