Bible Study: “The Permanence of God’s Word”


not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets
its most limited sense, “the law” referred to the Ten
Commandments. In a broader sense, it was used to refer to the Pentateuch, the
five books of Moses. In a still broader sense, it was used to speak of the
entire Old Testament (Romans 13:8-10; James 2:8-11; John 7:19-23; Matthew 5:18;
Luke 16:16,17). The prophets reiterated and reinforced the law. All their
warnings, admonitions and predictions were directly or indirectly based on the
Mosaic law. God’s revelation to the prophets was an extension of His law. The
foundation of the Old Testament was the law given in the Pentateuch, which the
prophets, psalmists, and other inspired writers preached, expounded and

Jesus Christ upheld the permanence of
God’s Word. He required inward and outward obedience to God’s Word. He,
Himself, lived to fulfil all righteousness and
inspired His disciples to hunger and thirst after

I am not come
to destroy, but to fulfil
Christ came to
fulfil “the law and the prophets” in its fulness. He submitted
Himself to God totally and obeyed His Word perfectly. He fulfilled the
commandments, statutes, types, prophecies and all the declarations in all
details. From conception to crucifixion, in His incarnation, life and ministry,
His work and miracles, His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus fulfilled all
the law and the prophets.

Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures by
fully meeting its demands. In His life, He perfectly kept every part of God’s
Word. He was perfectly righteous and did not violate the smallest part of God’s
law. He was utterly flawless in His obedience and He has provided the perfect
model of righteousness for us. The moral law fulfilled by Christ is still being
fulfilled through His disciples. He gives grace to all who belong to Him to
walk in obedience and righteousness.-from Bible Study outline

Every single word of God is to be obeyed by us who profess to be Christians. Jesus Christ Himself complied to God’s Word in perfection by His life and ministry on earth; and as His followers we must do the same! Let us not neglect any part of God’s Word. May He give us grace to be obedient children in Jesus’ name – amen. 

Do you obey God’s Word in it’s totality? Tune in to listen to this week’s Bible Study and be blessed!
