Christ The Savior is Born!

Hope you all have had an awesome Christmas Day, and that you remembered to keep CHRIST in your Christmas Day celebrations, today!

I’ve had an AMAZING weekend in the presence of God! There is absolutely no place I would have rather had been, nor anyone would I have wanted to be associated with this weekend than with the people of God, and do things pertaining to God! It is good to stand for something as precious as Jesus Christ, lest you fall for anything! 

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift: Jesus!”-2 Corinthians 9:15

JESUS is the Greatest gift I can ever have today, & the greatest gift that anyone could EVER ask for on this Day, and in their life time! 

I am not a fan of Santa. Jesus gave me all that I ever needed, & will ever need in life, which is Himself! No material object is able to surpass that unselfish sacrifice & sincere love!

=>QUESTION: Do you have Jesus as a treasured gift, or are you longing after material things where there is no all? Not that material things aren’t good to posses, however, when its pursuant become the primary desire of our hearts, it is very dangerous! it is ONLY in Christ dwells TRUE satisfaction, love, peace, joy and happiness to our lives! Not in anybody or anything!

Without Christ, You are nothing! No matter how many educational degrees you’ve acquired, how “nice” you are to people, or how “good” you think you are, no relationship with Christ, equates a meaningless life, simple
Give yourself away because life is NOT your own, to God do you belong! He is knocking at the door of your heart–only if you will open and allow Him in. Christ died so that YOU can live! 

He bled to death so that YOU can live! Think about it..
Listen to the songs below & surrender your all to Him today so that He can use you! Confess your wrongdoings to Him & ask Him for forgiveness.

The bible says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”-1John 1:9
and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.-John 6:37. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”-Matthew 11:28
Song: I give Myself Away
Song: Here I am to Worship


May God bless You,
Enjoy the remaining of your evening, & have a blessed week!

With Love,