Christian Stewardship: Investing Our Talents

I was recently challenged by a parable told by Christ in Matthew 25 from verse 14 to 30. Jesus likens the Kingdom of God to a traveling man who calls unto his servants and distributes responsibilities – “talents” to be exact (verse 14). There were three servants in particular; one was given five talents, the other, two and the last one talent. The interesting thing is that the first two individuals invested their “talents” and reaped dividends. The servant that had one talent hid his talent and upon the return of the Master was found to be an “unprofitable servant” (verse 30).

Talent represents everything that we have. Our time, treasures, knowledge, wealth, resources, skills, and gifts. As the three servants received an uneven amount of talents, so also has God given each human being varying talents. It is important to note that the talents given were according to the ability of the servants (verse 15). We don’t all have the same things of life. As much as our faces and circumstances differ, so also has God deposited unique gifts and talents in us. 

In order to discover and to faithfully and appropriately use our talents, we must know the Master – the Giver of the talents. A close relationship with Jesus Christ affords us the opportunity of knowing what our talents are, and using them to the benefit of mankind. Do you have a relationship with the Master?

Your talent may be giving, inspiring, encouraging, singing, playing an instrument, speaking, drawing, etc. Be in the business of investing into the lives of others – encourage the oppressed, give your time and treasure to the less fortunate, sing uplifting songs with your beautiful voice, and play your instrument skillfully to God’s glory! Blessing others with our talents yields personal satisfaction and worth.

The main reason that I returned to blogging is that the Lord made me realize that He has inputted some precious talents within me. In the past, He has used my skill of writing to inspire others. Refraining from using my talent was, in essence, becoming an unprofitable servant. I must invest into the lives of others the Life that God has given me through Christ Jesus. The reality is that a positive seed sewn in the lives of others reaps many positive outcomes. Through the faithful use and investment of our talents in the world, the hearts of men are drawn unto Christ.

My desire and goal in life are to invest in you the reader my knowledge of Christ Jesus and His saving grace, the influence of the scriptures on my daily lifestyle in dress, comportment, and interactions. I desire to live OUT LOUD. I want to be profitable to the Kingdom of God on Earth – I don’t want to leave this world full of unused talents! I pray to pour out of me all that God has deposited for the benefit of others. This is the true essence of the Christian life.

Meet Ms. Eva! I love Ms. Eva. I love her heart and willingness to bless the needy with her gift of sewing. Her story is one of effective use of one’s talent to the benefit of mankind and to God’s glory. When you discover and use your God-given talent there is no limit to how far the little that you do can go! An old adage says “little is much when God is in it.” No matter how small your talent is, invest it in humanity and see God multiply it!

“I’ve been given a talent, and I make use of it” -Ms. Eva. Have you discovered and daily utilize your God-given talents?

Yours in the ministry of investing in others,