Curl Hair: The Crown

I washed my hair with Suave Professionals Almond and Shea Butter shampoo and conditioned with Suave Professionals Almond and Shea Butter conditioner. I rinsed out the conditioner then wrapped my hair in an oversized t-shirt to collect the excess water. Why an oversized t-shirt? It’s a practice I adopted sometime ago and have kept it as a way of collecting excess water from my hair after wash. I waited for about 10 minutes then I unwrapped my hair. My hair did not fully dry, it was still pretty damp. I then applied coconut oil to the roots, edges and nape of my hair. At this point I had 10 sections of jumbo twists in my hair from detangling. 

Every one of those twist (with an exception of a few that were split into three) were separated into two. I applied a little coconut oil to each section, then I applied about a nickel size amount of my Hair milk from Carol’s daughter and I began to twist. I had already combed my hair during the conditioning process in sections so I didn’t comb while twisting. I followed the same procedure for my entire head. I didn’t section my hair in any particular style except that my hair was parted down the middle with a side part on the left.

After the twists were finished. I began to style my hair in this ‘crown’ style. By beginning on the left side of my head I gently began to roll the hair backward and in a circular motion around my head and then tucked the ends of the hair underneath itself and secured it with a bobby pin at the top of my head as can be seen in the picture on the left. I used two bobby pins for this – can you spot the bobby pin? 😉

This ‘Crown’ hair style reminded me of the eternal Crown soon to obtain in God’s kingdom. “Behold, I come quickly; hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” We can all attest to the wickedness and godlessness of our present world. Hence, there is a possibility of our eternal ‘crown’ being taken if we affiliate with the workers of iniquity in our present world. Nevertheless, the charge of Christ to us His servants is not to get distracted by the things and practices of this present evil world but to “hold fast that which thou hast” – our salvation, or christian convictions and to keep a firm gaze on Christ the author and the finisher of our faith. 

We are to wait for the imminent return of Jesus Christ with sincerity of life, separation from the world and its evil practices, a life of sacrifice – that our time, talent, and gifts are used for the work of God on earth, soul winning – preaching the Word everywhere we go, serving the Lord always, sanctification – that our inner self and its demands has been root out, and finally selflessness – thinking less of ourselves and more of others. If we do so, our eternal reward is a beautiful Crown of glory awaiting us at the heavenly city. I pray we will all make it there to be adorned with God’s glorious crown in Jesus’ name -amen!

Partly inspired by bible study September 21, 2015 “Preparation and Readiness for Christ’s Return” message starts at 17:27: 

Be blessed!