Curly Hair: A Testimony

Picture on Left: April 2013. Picture on Right Sept 2014

Sometime in the year 2012 as a desire for wanting to style my hair in a way that would be pleasing to God, I started praying about my hair. After all, scripture says to do all things to the glory of God and not to the glory of self so why not? (1 Corinthians 10:31). Up until then, I had never thought about praying about my hair, (I mean who really prays about their hair right? Wrong!). We often pray about the big things in life: job, marriage, finances, educational pursuits to name a few; nonetheless, I had been guilty of abandoning and not talking to my heavenly Father about the ‘little’ aspects of life – namely my hair: its care, styling and management. God is the creator, and can lead and guide me in the proper care of His creation.  

Interestingly enough, God cares so much about His children even the very hairs on our heads! Scripture says that the hairs on our head are all numbered, God has a record of it – He cares that much (Matthew 10:30)! From this revelation I learnt that God is very detail oriented. Every of His creation was much thought of, and intricately created and fashioned; hence, He keeps record of it all and does not label any of His creation insignificant. To You who are reading this, you are not insignificant before God. The negative comments people make about you is insignificant because the whole you, every member of your body has meaning to God. You are very specially created, and He loves you dearly!

I hope you can detect the difference in the picture above – I was quite surprised. That was the result of my prayer. The best thing about this testimony is that I didn’t pray for long hair; I prayed for how to take care of my hair and God gave me ideas that led to longer hair! Praise the Lord! I share this testimony and picture because there was a time when my hair was literally stagnant – it was as if it didn’t grow, and it was in bad condition in regards to health; it was the same length for many years with no improvement! I treated it very aggressively too – I am surprised I still have hair! But the problem was that I was not applying the right methods to its care. Below, I will discuss in specific ways how the Lord has helped me to care for my hair which has greatly increased my hair’s length and health!

1. Frequent, consistent washing: while I prayed about my hair, the first thing that the Lord laid on my heart was to wash my hair more often than I was doing. Previously, I had been keeping my hair in styles for weeks on. The Lord showed me that that method was not healthy for the hair. He further made me to understand that my hair was created to gain constant attention and not abandonment in its care. Also, that maintaing the hair in hairstyles for longer than 2 weeks is not the proper hygienic practice for the hair. The Lord helped me to be able to ‘listen’ to my hair. The truth is that our hair expresses its needs, we just don’t listen or know how to. So I began to listen to my hair. I noticed that my hair ‘signals’ me at a specific time every week that it needs washing. The signals comes in constant itchiness that is unrelieved with nothing else, but a clean scalp via washing! 

At first it was tough for me to even imagine that I would have to adapt to the habit of washing my hair every week, so I prayed some more. As time went on, the Lord has helped me to adjust to this new way of caring for my hair; and I tell you, it is the best thing that has ever happened to my hair! Later, I learned the rationale for my hair retention since implementing the above new regimen: a clean scalp promotes hair growth. I began to notice an increase in length every time I wash my hair on a weekly basis. The cleaner our scalp is, the cleaner an environment the hair has to grow. If we keep our hair in a month or two long hairstyle, the pores of the scalp becomes clogged; thus, inhibiting hair growth. Frequent washing of the hair is also very good for overall hygiene. 

2. Protective styling: I have always loved two-strand twists; therefore, it is my primary style of choice for my hair. I usually pin my twists into a style, paying special attention to the ends by ‘hiding’ it and not exposing it to the air especially in the dry Winter season. 

3. Less combing: The only time I comb my hair is detangling during washing. I believe less combing has increased my hair retention as well as decreased unnecessary hair loss. 

4. Consistency with styles: creativity is great when one has curly hair; however, in order to retain length, one must be careful of the styles they create. Doing a new style every single week may put much unneeded pressure on the hair as one manipulates it to form a certain ‘look.’ I usually don’t do many different styles with my hair. Most likely once or twice a month I get creative and try a different style. Low manipulation of the hair is truly the best way to retain length. Simplicity like the life of Christ, is the key.

5. Heat abstinence: I do not use any form of heat on my hair. This really helps to avoid heat damages to the hair. Truthfully, our hair was not created to receive any type of heat whatsoever. I have witnessed the benefits of a ‘no-heat’ policy for my hair and I thank God for the profit attained.

I continue to pray about my hair and I have to give the glory to God for His assistance in its care. Indeed, with God all things are possible. The regimen explained above are ways in which God has helped me to achieve healthy hair. I shared my testimony in hopes that it will inspire someone to start praying about their hair, as well as to challenge ladies that God wants nothing else but for us to have beautiful hair via submission to Him for divine directions. Of course one must have a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ in order for Him to hear us when we ‘call.’ Desire a relationship with Jesus Christ? Click HERE

Are you struggling with up keeping your curly hair? Perhaps the above ideas can help; but, more importantly take your hair burdens to the feet of Jesus for He cares!

Do you also have a hair testimony? In what ways has the Lord helped you with your hair care? Please do share below!

Please visit this POST for detailed instructions in regards to washing and care of curly hair.

Hope this is an inspiration to you. Have a blessed day!