Curly Hair: Coconut Oil


Okay, so a few people have asked me in the past what my hair “magic” is. I often don’t know what to respond to that question because I kind of don’t have one? (lol). But, I will say that after discovering coconut oil and using it for sometime now, (I mean wouldn’t claim that it is the “magic” to my hair or if I have any), but I must confess that coconut oil has done some pretty awesome things to my hair in the past year!

Firstly, I once had a scalp issue that many females and males struggle with named “dandruff.” I tried almost everything on the shelve but to no avail (don’t mean to sound cliche’ but hey..hey I rhymed! lol). After much research, I came across coconut oil and thought why not give it a try. I immediately began to see a difference in the health of my scalp and my hair altogether. I would massage the coconut oil onto my scalp every ‘wash day’ between shampooing and conditioning AND after washing during styling (did that make sense? I hope so). After a few weeks of usage, I noticed that dandruff in my scalp was mysteriously gone. I thought “whoa.” Along with that realization, my hair had started to thicken and its overall health was and is probably at its healthiest I’ve ever seen it.

I jokingly say that if I were ever stuck on an Island and I had a chance to have a few items sent to me, I would request my Bible (because I love that book and would not function without it), water, and some coconut oil for my hair (lol). Of course I am hypothetically speaking, but in all honesty, my hair would thrive off of some water and coconut oil–that’s it. Seriously. It’s THAT good. Coconut oil softens my hair, gives it an awesome sheen, thickens it (not that I need my hair any thicker, but I’m not complaining lol) encourages hair growth, improves and restores the health of my hair. I’d say you give it a try (even guys). I promise you’ll see a difference in your hair and scalp sooner than you think!

Coconut oil has many benefits. Not only for hair but for cooking, acne, weight loss, heart disease, immunity, etc. Check out this website. It’s got some pretty good stuff on there. I still use coconut oil on my hair to this day. Oh and the dandruff stuff? Oh yeah, it’s gone! :). Please don’t hesitate to let me know your experiences with coconut oil (if you’ve tried it) below in the comment box.

One last thing: I purchase my coconut oil from my local grocery store for $3.99. It comes in a good-sized jar and it lasts me a few months.

Thanks so much for reading! I truly hope that this is helpful, and has revealed the “secret” to my hair (lol).

God bless,