Curly Hair: “Is that all Yours”?

In this style, I combed out my hair in sections with ‘Black Vanilla Combing Creme‘. Then I made jumbo size two strand twists as seen in the pictures on the left of the photo above. I wore that style for about a week then I unravelled the twists which created crinkles in my hair from the twists. I gathered my hair into a high side pony tail and held it with a banana clip as can be seen above. I loved the style and it was a beautiful day to wear my hair that way. Someone asked “is that your real hair?” The person was surprised when I confirmed as true.

Once in a while someone will inquire of whether my hair is my real hair. I ask myself why is that? Perhaps it’s because women of my skin tone have been living under the lie that having long natural beautiful hair is impossible for them. Women of African descent have been known for wearing artificial hair for many decades that whenever one of us reveals our real hair that is long, it is unheard of, never been seen, a phenomena! 

By the grace of God, I am a testimony of the ability and reality of long hair attainment as an African woman. My hair is past my waist in length, and it is completely natural. I have never applied relaxers to my hair nor have I used any artificial hair extensions. I prioritize my hair by including it in my schedule – I have a routine for my hair. I keep a consistent wash and style routine. I nurture it by using coconut oil and creams to keep it hydrated. Lastly, I am patient when I comb it – I am not aggressive when combing. I take my time because I know that if my hair will produce good results for me, I must be gentle with it because it is delicate.

Naturally curly hair requires commitment, nurture, priority and patience. Many of us do not prioritize nor nurture our hair. We relegate it to the background and somehow expect to have beautiful hair – it doesn’t work that way! There is no magic! You have to put in the work to reap the benefits. God created us equally to be able to attain long beautiful natural hair. However, it demands ‘work’ on your part. I would encourage you to start by removing those long standing extensions and begin to get to know your own hair – it’s texture, color, behaviors, and needs! Let us quit hiding our hair under long weaves and extensions, and embrace our natural hair as God intended it, for it is good! Exposure of our hair will hopefully challenge us to prioritize it, and nurture it as needed. 

I want to address our mothers because so often our hair relaxers and extensions start with them. They bring us up relaxing and applying artificial hairs to our hair because they don’t know how to ‘deal’ with our natural hair. Mothers, I want to encourage you that you don’t have to go the artificial route. Relaxers and hair extensions damage our natural hair. It causes breakage which affects your daughter/s hair in the long run. Relaxers and hair extensions also causes young girls to have a false image and view of beauty – for some young girls if they don’t relax or use artificial hair they don’t feel beautiful. 

That is disturbing, and should not be the case. As a mother you have a huge impact on your daughter/s and their view of beauty stems from the way you nurture them from childhood especially as it pertains to hair. If you are a mother out there and are struggling with how to care for your daughter’s hair please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I will by the grace of God assist you with the little that I know.

I pray you are encouraged!