Daily Manna: “Victory Through Praise”


Key verse: “And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten” (2 Chronicles 20:22).

The British military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, who later became the Duke of Wellington, was described as an uneasy man to serve under. Though brilliant, Wellesley was said to be demanding and would never shower compliments on his subordinates. In his old age, a young lady asked him what, if anything, he would do differently if he had his life to live over again. Wellesley, after a moment of serious thought, replied: “I would give more praise.”

Our text today reveals the dramatic and miraculous victory, which came to Judah when they abandoned the conventional methods of warfare and depended upon the leading of the Spirit of God. Jehoshaphat knew that Judah could miss the best of God, like many others had done, if they did not acknowledge the power of and great possibilities through praise. 

Instead of complaining and grumbling or expressing fear at the intimidating forces of the enemies that came out to fight against them, they consulted the prophets of God to seek for how to fight the battle. Expectedly, some of them would have been shocked by the Spirit-led method that God gave them. “And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for ever” (2 Chronicles 20:21). That was how they got their victory over their enemies.

Today, many Christians, instead of adopting Jehoshaphat’s method of praising God in all situations, are quick to complain, murmur, get depressed or discouraged because of some temporary challenges of life. They would, sometimes, blame others or even God for some of the mishaps they experience. How we need to earnestly realize that victory over the battles of life are easily won when we repose much confidence in God! 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Praises bring the unexpected from God. 

– See more here

“Praise You in the Storm”

Overwhelmed with the storms of life? Learn to praise God in the storm! Your testimony is only a few songs of praises away! Though the storms of life rage the captain of the sea is ever present with His power to silence the stormy sea! Be encouraged! He will never leave you nor forsake you even in your present predicament. Don’t loose hope. There is a treasure waiting to be discovered in  your seemingly disappointing situation! I pray the Lord will open your eyes to see what He sees! May the Lord surprise you with a testimony that is greater than you! Amen.

Be encouraged, and sing songs of praise to the Almighty God!