Follow-Up Question: What About to Gym and as a Nurse, Are Those Situations Exceptions To Wearing Pants?

To the inquirer I pray your question is answered! Thank you for reading, and be blessed!

When I was in Junior High School and in High School I wore ‘skorts’ (which is a skirt with shorts underneath for protection) with tights or opaque stockings and sneakers to gym. I participated in sports activities and was very comfortable. All it required was my parents wrote a note that stated that due to religious beliefs their daughter does not wear trousers (thank God for uncompromising godly parents!); through that, God gave me favor in the sight of my instructor and I had no problems with wearing a skort to gym class. As a Christian lady if you so desire you too can wear a ‘skort’ for gym. You can also opt for a skirt that is of cotton material that is casual enough for gym; only be sure to wear your tights underneath and believe me, you will be more than comfortable participating in sports activities during gym! Here is a great picture of the kind of skirts you can wear for sports activities.

As far as nursing, by God’s grace I am currently in nursing school. I am required to wear scrubs everyday, and guess what? I wear a scrub skirt! 🙂 It’s awesome! Before I started nursing school, I too, was under the impression that I would “have” to wear pants because that was what I was used to seeing and seemed to be the ‘norm.’ But then God showed me something: He led me to a hospital where I saw a woman wearing a long skirt scrub! I was shocked and challenged by that! (This is a perfect example of how we need to live our faith ‘out-loud’ as Christians! You never know who is watching and you definitely never know how God will use your ‘outward Christianity’ to inspire someone else to receive the same conviction). Since that day, I made up my mind that when I start nursing school and even after graduating and working as a nurse, I will wear skirts to the glory of God! At the start of nursing school when I went in for my orientation everyone was  given pants scrubs and as a new student nurse I was no exception; I refused it and asked if they had skirts instead because I don’t wear pants. 

They said no. I had prior prayed about this situation so I left the premise and casted the problem in the hands of God. I went back another time and the lady in charged of the uniforms looked at me and mentioned my name. I was surprised she even knew my name!  Then she said “you’re the one that wanted skirts right?” I said yes. Then she said “okay I will contact our uniform company and inquire if they have skirts and if they do, I will order skirts for you.” I was amazed at what I was hearing! “Wow, this is God,” I thought. This woman worked tirelessly until I received those skirts! I just thanked God for such divine favor! I received the skirts after a few weeks. At my school now, I am the only female student that wears skirts to lectures and to clinical comfortably. I have received such positive feedback from people at school and at the hospital; it’s been great! Last I checked nurses have always worn skirts, where did the wearing of pants come from? (The skirt worn on the left and right side of the above photo was purchased here. The one worn in the middle picture was one of my ‘church’ skirts; but when I started nursing school I used it as one of my school skirts since I needed white skirts for school)

Many Christian women had abstained from wearing trousers for a majority of their lives according to the command in God’s word until they land a certain job that requires them to wear pants. The decision then falls between their job that will give them money, or God – the King of the Universe, a Consuming Fire whom they serve and are required to obey! Hmm! What a decision! Which to choose? This is certainly a ‘test’ of one’s faith and will prove one’s commitment to God. I have heard women say “well, I will loose my job if I don’t comply by wearing trousers to work.” “God will understand” is the national anthem of most Christians. What? Really? God will understand the fact that you have chosen to overlook His command and obey the creature over the Creator? Throughout scripture when people disobeyed God whether small or great the sin, they suffered serious consequences! I would rather loose my temporary secular job in this temporary world and yield to God’s instruction! In the end my commitment, uncompromising spirit, and steadfastness in living for Him is what will count so then my soul must come first!* I don’t care the amount of money the company is willing to pay me, if it causes me to do contrary to God’s Word they can have their job – seriously! The question is: will you compromise and settle for the easy way out? 

To go to this kind of extend in our Christian faith sometimes makes us appear to others as “extremist” in our faith or that “we are going over board;” nevertheless we forget that Jesus Christ went beyond overboard for our redemption! As nails were embedded through His hands and feet, and bound to the cross He progressively bled to death; His last words “it is finished” defeated Satan, sin and death. He became the bridge upon which I can now walk boldly to the throne of God and a definite hope of Eternity spent in Heaven. He could have taken the easy way out – totally escaping the pain, agony, and humiliation; but he rather chose to suffer the affliction for a short moment being confident of the glory ahead after obeying the command of His Father. If Jesus Christ the very Son of God – the owner of the Universe died a disgraceful death so that I can have FREE access to the throne of grace, then in this life, I will also strive to be like Jesus and go above and beyond to serve God in every area of my life.

God’s command is “forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments.” For every command of God that is adhered to, there is a blessing! So then what is the blessing for keeping His commandments? He says “So shalt thou find FAVOUR and GOOD UNDERSTANDING in the sight of God and man.“-[Proverbs 3:1,4] Again we see God’s promise in Psalm 5:12 “For thou Lord will bless the righteous; with FAVOUR wilt thou compass him as with a shield!” Praise the Lord! God is faithful. He has never and will never leave the righteous forsaken. We see this example being made manifest in the life of Daniel. Daniel made a bold decision and God honored that decision with FAVOUR and tender love (Daniel 1:8,9). Take a godly stand and watch the hand of God move mightily on your behalf!

Like Daniel, I have purposed in my heart that by the grace of God that I will passionately and unapologetically serve God and distinctively STAND OUT for Him no matter the circumstance. As Christians our actions, speech, and conduct are always under “a watch” whether we realize it or not; when we choose to honor God in ways in regards to abstaining from certain articles of clothing people will honor our decision as they witness our commitment to God through our way of life. We will also gain respect in the sight of man for our decision. It is so much easier to slip on a pair of pants and walk out of the door each morning. However I challenge you to be like Jesus and Daniel; choosing rather to obey God and going with the more “inconvenient”/ “not-so-popular way” in serving God. As you do, His unchanging and unfailing blessings will be overflowing in your life in Jesus’ name, amen!

1. “It is better to be alone in righteousness than join the multitudes in evil.” 
2. Know what you believe in, and firmly STAND for it without compromise.
3. Choose to honor God in all aspects of your life and He will reciprocate the honor in miraculous ways! 🙂 

I found this great video of what to wear to the gym as a Christian lady: 

 This young lady gives very practical and godly advice for modest dressing while exercising and swimming etc as a Christian female living in our modern society. 

Be blessed!