Her Modest Apparel: When A Blizzard Strikes!

In the third weekend of January 2016, a blizzard hit us at my end of the world. Oh was it a big one! So unexpected, but needful for tis the season. We woke up Sunday morning and didn’t know whether we would be able to attend church service – there was so much snow out there! Vehicles were finding it difficult to maneuver and caution was the word on the street! Well, eventually the Lord made a way for us to attend church service, which was wonderful! 

I decided to snap a few pictures to show that we can be stylish and modest even in the midst of mighty a storm. I want to encourage you that any storm that comes your way be it physical, spiritual or emotional don’t hang low, rise up and feed on the precious and unfailing promises of God. When Jesus is captain of our lives no storm should rob our joy, and certainly should not cause us to dress in ‘sackcloth’ and ‘ashes.’ I thank God for protecting my family and church family from this dangerous storm. God always provides a way of rescue and safety in a storm! Ours is to trust Him, and totally depend upon Him for He is mighty to save!
I’ve always liked the color red, but it has become a renewed favorite as of late. It is bright and beautiful and it symbolizes the precious blood of Jesus Christ through which I am saved by His grace, sanctified and filled with his holy spirit. Well, I purchased the red blazer from Macy’s online, the white long sleeve turtle neck from Macy’s as well but in store, and finally the black skirt from Macy’s in store also. The bag was acquired from Groupon online and the boots from Kohl’s online. 

The bonnet (hat) was from a beauty supply store in another state when I visited. I actually wore two skirts in this outfit – I wore another black skirt underneath the one above. I have found that doubling my skirts in the cold months adds increased warmth. In addition, I wore thick black tights under the skirts and added a pair of socks for my feet. It was a great and warm outfit for the blizzard morning!

Of course the outfit was not complete without a winter coat. As can been seen above I wore this long coat over my attire. This coat is great and I am always grateful whenever I put it on. It is warm and does a good job shielding me from the cool breeze. It was purchased from Burlington online. I strongly encourage modest ladies to invest in this type of coat. It is so worth while – profitable investment. 

The Lord’s our rock, in Him we hide,
A shelter in the time of storm;
Secure whatever ill betide,
A shelter in the time of storm.

Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land,
A weary land, a weary land;
Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land,
A shelter in the time of storm.

A shade by day, defense by night,
A shelter in the time of storm;
No fears alarm, no foes afright,
A shelter in the time of storm.

The raging storms may round us beat,
A shelter in the time of storm
We’ll never leave our safe retreat,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

O rock divine, O refuge dear,
A shelter in the time of storm;
Be Thou our helper ever near,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

Yes, ‘storms’ – challenges, pains, hurts, loss, disappointments are inevitable as we journey on through life, but when Jesus Christ is actively present in our ‘ship’ no storm will ever overshadow or overpower us. With Christ we are able to mount up with wings like eagles and soar over our ‘storms’! Have you found and trusted in Jesus Christ the succoring shelter in the time of storm? It is not too late! Find out how to HERE!

Looking for some tips on how to dress warm and modestly during the Autumn and Winter seasons? Click HERE!

I pray this is a blessing to you!