Her Modest Sunday Apparel: High Waisted Floral Pleated Skirt

Good Morning!

I want to quickly offer a few tips about the skirt worn in the above picture. Lately as I graze through clothes in department stores, I am bombarded by many skirts designed in the above style. Only that a wealth of these skirts though long, are completely transparent  from the thighs downward! They also are fashioned ‘strangely’ in that only the holy spirit will speak to the heart of a true child of God to not buy!

Please be careful when deciding to purchase this type of skirt. A quick tip is to make sure that the skirt is fully lined with an additional fabric underneath that will flow well over your knees when it is worn. For extra protection slip on a slip! This is an undergarment for women. It’s purpose is to shield us from being exposed in case our skirt or dress is see through. 

It becomes immodest when our skirts or dresses are transparent no matter how long they are! Clothes are for our complete covering, not to cover and at the same time reveal that which should be covered. Also, be sure that the skirt is decent and not designed ‘strangely’. Allow the holy spirit to direct and He will not lead you astray, but into all truth! 

Apparel Breakdown:
Hat: Floral bonnet bought from church member
Blouse: Telco
Skirt: Burlington
Sandals: Sears

Questions? Please write below or send message to [email protected]

Have a blessed week!