His Mission: Obeying The Command to “Go”

What is evangelism? It is the act of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to people in hopes that it will lead them to the saving knowledge of Christ and ultimately save them from eternal doom. By God’s grace this blog is an avenue of evangelism and is committed to spreading the gospel and pointing people to Jesus’ Cross for Salvation. But the Lord has been speaking to me that this blog alone is not enough ‘work’ of evangelism on my part.  Incidentally, the Bible studies and sermons in my church of late have been very centered on the importance of evangelism. God has used these messages to pierce my heart and has ignited in me a new sense of compassion toward sinners and their destined doom; with this knowledge the Lord has given me a sense of urgency, to get the Word of God out there so that these sinners may be rescued by the love and pardon of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has commanded each transformed Christian to ‘Go’ and let His Word be known to a dying world. This is a command and as any of God’s commands failure to obey will incur serious consequences!

Many believers fail to keep to this command of God. They give plenty of excuses to justify their failure to obey the command to “Go.” But my question to the Christian is, has your life been completely transformed for the better since coming to the Lord? Do you have hope, peace and joy since inviting Jesus into your life? Are you enjoying His presence in your life? Has He delivered you from the bondage of sin and given you a hope of spending eternity with Him in heaven? If “yes” to all four questions then why not introduce others to the One who saved you, and gave you hope of a glorious future on earth and in eternity? We read in Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:19 that Evangelism is extremely important to God. As Jesus Christ was leaving the Earth His parting words to His disciples was to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” – Mark 16:15 The same command is repeated in Matthew 28:19 to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” 
Repetition often communicates to us the importance of the matter. As souls are dying and sin increasing God is pleading with us His followers to take His saving Word out there that the lost may find Him through our faithfulness in obeying His command of the Great Commission and come to repentance! 

So..why are we still sitting on our bottoms? Let’s get going! “Where do I start?” “With whom do I begin?” “Will people listen to me?” “I am too shy.” “Evangelism is not for me.” “What if the people reject the Word of God?” These are just a few of the statements that the devil inspires us to entertain when it comes to evangelism. Despite those statements the command is still to be obeyed by you and I! We must prayerfully refute any statements that may want to hinder us from obeying our Master in fulfilling His Mission on earth! Will God find you faithful? As Christians we need to rise up and boldly declare Jesus Christ the sinless Lamb of God who was slain for the sins of all humanity!  Many are dying daily and a great percentage of those people are going straight to the fiery furnace that burns unquenchable! What are we Christians doing about that? We have the answer! Salvation is the key, and God has given us the responsibility of letting people know about His FREE gift of Eternal life. Let us not selfishly hold on to it and watch the sinner face eternity surprised! 

By the grace of God I make it my purpose to share the love of Christ on a consistent basis. In fact, everyday that the Lord grants me an opportunity to live, I make it my goal of the the day, a MUST to preach Christ to a soul. Jesus says to do the work of an evangelist is His meat, and that He must be committed to it and finish it (John 4:34). I owe people the gospel of Christ! Paul says in Romans 1: 14 “I am a debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.” The gospel of Christ is too heavy for me to carry, I must share it! God has given me the privileged of knowing the way to His eternal abode and what JOY it is to share it with others! People need to know that there is a Savior for their souls – that there is hope for them in the ‘storms’ of life! That the Prince of Peace has the power to set them free from the grip of sin and to silence all the storms in their lives. After much prayer, the Lord has given me courage and boldness that I never thought I would have to talk to people about Jesus Christ. 

To say the truth, I love talking to people about Jesus Christ! As I talk to people about Christ on a consistent basis, it amazes to me how much people do not know about Jesus Christ and of His saving grace, and I am humbled at how blessed I am to know the Holy God, the Ruler of the Universe on a personal level through Jesus Christ His Son. The Lord has given me a different kind of passion, compassion, and love for the spiritually blind. Like Jesus Christ I proclaim that “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel…”-Luke 4:18. “So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel…”-Romans 1:15. Every individual I come in contact with is a candidate of the love of God, non to be refused. Practically, I utilize this blog, my Facebook account and ‘The Modesty Movement’ page to spread the good news! More so I give out tracts on my way to work, at the bus stop, in the bus, in the train, and let my peers know at school and work! I have more work to do and by His divine grace I will increase in courage and confidence by letting His precious love known near and abroad!

Soul-winning has officially become a lifestyle of mine – it is second nature to me! I bless God for using my pastor to create this passion, zeal, and compassion within me for dying souls.

Do you share Jesus Christ with others on a consistent basis? Can people see Christ in you? Your conduct, speech, and your physical appearance, do these physical traits testify of your renewed inner man (woman)? I pray God will give us a compassionate heart like Jesus that the beauty of Christ will be seen in and through us and that we will preach the word of God in season and out of season. May we become passionate, zealous, and fervent in rescuing the perishing by the word of God and the word of our testimonies in Jesus’ name! Do you let people know about Christ on a daily basis?

Prayer: Lord, please help me to be obedient to your command to go and preach your word to every creature. As well please give me a heart and passion to preach undiluted Christ crucified that  souls that are bound for hell will be rescued by your saving power in Jesus’ name! Amen.

But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.”– 2 Timothy 4:5

Be challenged to do the work of an evangelist!
An ambassador for Christ!