I Gave My Life to Christ, Now What?


I recently shared two blog posts highlighting my conversion story – Part 1 & Part 2. After giving one’s life to Christ, the individual begins a journey of a transformed life through faith in Christ. Henceforth, everything about this individual must conform and reflect the change that has occurred within. I want to preface this post by stating that if you have recently made the greatest decision of handing over your entire life to Jesus Christ, I want to congratulate you, and express my joy for you for deciding for Christ! The Bible assures us that “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth”-Luke 15:10. 

You are celebrated in heaven for repenting of your sins and allowing Jesus to be The Shepherd and Bishop of your soul. However, this decision you have made demands action and ‘work’ from your side in order for your new relationship with God to grow to maturity. When you are newly born-again, meaning, you have realized that you are a sinner and have fully confessed all of your sins to Jesus for salvation, you are like a newborn baby. As a newborn baby totally depends upon the parents for nourishment, care, comfort, so should you completely depend upon God your new Father for direction, nourishment, care, and comfort. 

The Bible reveals in 1 Peter 2:2 “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.” The Bible becomes your ‘milk’ as a newborn in Christ. As a baby cannot thrive without baby milk, so will you never thrive as a new Christian if you abandon intake of the Word of God as your daily milk. If you don’t have a desire for reading the bible, you must pray for God to give you the desire to read as well as to give you understanding and speak to your heart whenever you open up His Word to read. The Word of God is a mirror that helps us to see our sinful and selfish character, at the same time it is water that washes us clean after it has revealed unto us our sinful ways. The Word of God also sustains and strengthens us and give us the power to resist the devil and his temptations. 

When I first gave my life to Christ, I knew that I had received the salvation of God because “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:” -Romans 8:16. From that time, praying and reading the Bible became a priority. But since I was still in the early stages of my newfound faith in Christ, I found myself feeling tempted to do the things that I was doing before or having a feeling of anger when I was corrected by my parents. When I was confronted with these behaviors I often questioned my faith. I later realized that as a newborn Christian, Satan and the host of hell is very angry about the decision to choose Christ’s way over their way. As a result, during the immediate stages of my walk with Christ, the passionate goal of Satan was to make me revert to my old ways which will make me doubt my faith and then will drag me back to his kingdom. 

As a new Christian, there are days you will question whether you are a Christian after all. I want to encourage you to keep moving along, don’t give up! Don’t abandon Christ – and never say you cannot do this! It is Satan’s effort to bring you back to your old life and so don’t give in! Look to Jesus alone for help. When you fall into sin, cry out to Christ, be open and sincere with Him, don’t hide anything and He will restore you and give you the strength to get back on the journey. “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins…” 1 John 2:1-2.

Christianity is a gradual journey. Let’s go back to the illustration of the baby. Babies don’t grow to 20 years of age the same day that they are born, do they? It takes time and years for them to gradually grow into fully mature adults. This growth process is synonymous to our Christian faith. Our growth in Christ is not spontaneous. It is progressive and continuous. We are nurtured and attain spiritual health by way of daily feasting on the ‘bread of life’ which is the Word of God in the morning and evening with prayer. I would urge you to begin reading the Bible from the New Testament from the book of John. The New Testament outlines and reveals Jesus Christ in His godly character and interaction with people which will propel you to emulate such godly characteristics! Also, by reading the New Testament you will become familiar with the foundational truths and principles of the Christian faith as you trace the footsteps and teachings of Christ – be sure to jot down your inspirations, lessons, questions, etc.

As a new Christian, you must also develop a prayer life. Prayer is communion with God – simply talking to God. No relationship is able to thrive without regular and consistent communication. Through prayer, we are able to present our needs to a God who owns the whole universe, we also inform Him of our concerns, fears, and weaknesses. We also ask Him to help us to grow more and more in the knowledge of His Word and to help us to live His Word aloud. As we are consistent in reading the Bible along with prayer, the persona of Christ will be revealed in and through us. Also, as Christ is revealed in and through us, other people would come to the knowledge of His saving grace by our Christ-like life. Endeavor to pray every morning and night – make it a goal and a necessity to talk to God through prayer every day and throughout your day! 

I would also stir you to keep a devotional journal in which you jot down the things that God reveals to you as you read and study His word. The devotional journal can be a physical book or notepad or can be electronic via cell phone, tablet or computer. In your designated journal and or device of choice, you may write your prayer requests as well. I personally practice journaling and it serves as a great tool to reflect on my walk with Christ and the experiences and lessons learned along the heavenly pilgrim way.

Lastly, join a Bible-beliving church. Pray for God to lead you to a Bible-believing church. A church where you may be consistently taught the truth of God’s word, be encouraged in your faith and fellowship with people that are of like faith. “As iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens [and influences] another [through discussion].” – Proverbs 27:17 AMP.

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I pray you are blessed by reading!
May the Lord uphold you and ground you firmly in your newfound faith in Christ Jesus.

In Christ,
-Charity B.