I Love You

Dear (Enter Your Name),

I want to publicly proclaim my Love for you. I Love you more than you will ever know. I invite you to come to me you weary, desparate, confused, sad, sorrowful, unloved one and I will receive you for myself and give You Rest. It is perfectly okay that you are not perfect. It is my desire and plan to perfect You. I know that there are times when you do things that are contrary to my will. This often makes you feel as if I don’t love you or that I don’t want anything to do with you. But I am confirming to you today that as long as I have suffered on that cross of Calvary, I am letting you know that there is absolutely nothing in this world that will ever separate you from My Love.

My love for you my dear, is a love that is so deep and so strong that no-one or nothing will ever break or come in between us. It is only you that could allow anything or anyone to create a wall between us. Just as I love you, I want that love to be reciprocal. Be eager to get close to me by reading my Word. Ask me for understanding of my Word. Do not allow any object or person to come in between you and I. Talk to me everyday–I want you to tell me all of your needs and requests because I am beyond able to supply you with them all. Put all your trust in me. Get to know me and all that I am about; get to know what I am capable of. By doing so, Nothing will ever tear us apart.

I will always be with you. I will never leave you, or neglect you. Even when you don’t sense my presence, guess what? I am right there next to you. You will always have my trust; therefore, I will never dissappoint you. Your life is in my hands my dear child. I promise you a good life. One that is filled with laughter, and happiness. There are opportunities in this life that will come your way; such that you would wish to have, but for one reason or another those opportunities will slip away into thin air as if it never existed. But don’t you worry my dear, I have better plans for you. That seemingly lost opportunity was just a stepping stone to the greater ones that I have prepared yet to be manifested in your life. I have many doors of opportunities opened for you and no-one will be able to shut them. Hold on. Don’t be discouraged. Your life is in my hands and it is well preserved. There are things that you will do that I wouldn’t  like you to do. I will bring them to your attention so that you can change your ways. Don’t get angry when I do. I just want the best for you. I want to perfect you and mold you into the great person I have created you to be, and for others to see you as my child.

 Always remember to come to me first for everything: advice, direction, instruction, etc. Remember that I will always be there to listen. Never love any other person or object more than you do me. There will come a time when you will desire to be in a relationship with someone you will consider a life partner. Before then, do not try to “find” that person by ‘testing out’ numerous people in hopes of landing “the right one.” WAIT for my direction and instruction for as long as it may take. Meanwhile, communicate with me daily, through prayer. Avoid sexual impurity by not engaging in premarital sexual relationships. Clear your mind of impure thoughts. Do not entertain vulgar language. It is my will that you remain single throughout your youth until I have prepared you well enough, equipped with good characteristics and behavior, but most importantly that our relationship is well built in order for you to withstand the struggles that await your life and your marriage relationship.

Nevertheless, do not loose hope in me. I will always be there. Before I allow you to share your heart with another, I want to make sure that you are un-defeatable. I want to be a proud Father. I want you to commit to me and to your education for the career I have for you. You will succeed and prosper in this life and it is my joy to help you see that unfold. I want you to tell your friends, your family members and everyone about me and our relationship. I want them to come and know me just as you do so that they too, can enjoy what you are enjoying in me. Do not forget that I am your Father. Consult with me first regarding anything at all. Remember, I want the best for you. Not only do I have this inseparable love for you, I am building a mansion just for you, my dear. I want you to live with me. I want us to live a life of endless peace. But for now, continue to read my Word and commune with me in prayer. I will hear and answer you. Always put me first in all that you do; I will reward you anything your heart desires.

Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.2 John 1:3

(Enter Your Name), I Love You 
Your Ever Reliable Heavenly Father

This Letter is God’s Love letter to all. God’s love is really Amazing. I pray that this letter will minister to you and that you will allow God to convict you of His loving Love and instill in you a longing to know and to live for Him.

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: Joh. 1.12 therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.-1 John 3:1

Please Listen to These Songs

 Get your mind into a solemn place of worship where it is just you & God. Possibly with eyes closed, or listen to these songs in conjunction with reading the post above. Absorb these gorgeous songs into your soul. 
*Remember that God is ever with You, even right now, and that He loves You, always.*
Be blessed.

We the Redeemed-Hillsong

It’s Your Love- Hillsong 
God bless,