Inner Beauty: “Bride of Christ”

“That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” Ephesians 5:26,27
“The Bible says He (Christ) did all this, that He might present it unto Himself a glorious church, not having any spot or wrinkle, but that it should be holy (Ephesians 5:26). There was no mention of artificial aids like make-up, jewelry and toning of the skin here. A beauty adorned through Christ requires no human “make-up.”
This beauty is not earthly beauty – like the putting on of make-up, jewelry, artificial hair, eyelashes, and nails etc. His is a divine beauty that supersedes the physical and penetrates to the internal to deal with the root of the matter. You see, earthly beauty only ‘covers up.’ It covers up the blemishes in the skin, the scars, the pain, the wrinkles. A woman who adorns herself with earthly gadgets of beauty may appear good looking on the outside, but underneath all of the ‘make-up’ is blemishes that need to be dealt with, wounds that are not healed, and scars that have been concealed. Divine beauty does not beautify you on the outside and leave you broken on the inside. It does a reversal work – beautification begins on the inside and is revealed on the outside as evidence of the work done on the inside. Divine beauty reveals and brings the imperfections in our lives to light because it’s plan is to deal with it and bring one to wholeness and perfection. Divine beauty grants the confidence to present yourself as you are to the world – no artificials, just as you are – a natural beauty, a gem, a product of Christ.
As christians, we are the bride of Christ. Thus, His desire is to make us His bride, beautiful for the wedding day. He doesn’t want us to appear before His father and the guests at the wedding physically beautiful and well adorned, but internally filthy. The wedding day is the day that we will see Jesus face to face where everything will be brought to light – nothing will be hidden. Only those who have been cleansed and beautified by Christ via the confession of their sins and acceptance of Jesus Christ into their lives, will be gladly welcomed and be full participants at the wedding.
For this reason, Jesus has made it his goal to wash away every bad thing that you have ever done so that you will not be ashamed and be denied entry into the Wedding Hall. People who lie, steal, curse, view pornographic images and films, masturbate etc, will not be able to enter in at the wedding. Jesus wants to make you beautiful internally and outwardly so that you can boldly enter in and enjoy the wedding – are you ready?
Are you in the beauty room of Christ? Have you allowed Jesus to beautify you in preparation toward the Wedding day?
“… the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut”- Matthew 25:10
Wedding bells are ringing! Come and get ready at the feet of Christ before it is too late!
Be blessed!