Inner Beauty: You are a Precious Pearl

“…neither cast ye your pearls before swine.”- Matthew 7:6

Among the women of the world who own pearls, how many will willingly and literally give those expensive pearls to pigs, also known as swine? I trust that none of these women would raise a hand, but may even respond to such remark with utter disgust! 

One of the aspects of Christ’s teachings that I appreciate is that He often used earthly objects to paint illustrations that would communicate to His audience serious and eternal lessons. In the verse above, Jesus Christ was not encouraging women to put on pearls, but as He knew it was a common practice among women to put on pearls as a way of adorning themselves, He wanted to use that tangible and applicable illustration to speak and to direct his listeners to a more serious matter. 

Swine are unruly animals, they bask in mud and filth. They are unashamed of their disgusting lifestyle. Pearls in this context refer to virtue. Virtue denotes goodly characteristics of a person. Virtue is obtained by the inner cleansing of a life that has been touched and permitted to be transformed by Jesus Christ. The inner workings of Christ produce a young lady that is pure within and without – her heart is golden and she is sold out for Christ. 

Her physical purity is intact and she strives daily to maintain mental purity by reading and meditating on the word of God and live daily by His grace. She dresses modestly to please her Lord and not for the attention of people around her. She speaks life – the Word of God is threaded through her speech in such a gracious and profound manner that it uplifts, and edifies the people around her. She humbly serves and graciously gives to the poor. She radiates the glory of God in all that she does. She is a pearl indeed, precious in the eyes of God.

As a Christian young lady, you are a precious pearl. In order to remain a precious pearl, you ought to keep yourself from sexual defilement. You ought to see your body as a treasure, and a temple in which God dwells. You must jealously guard your body against sexual sin! Sexual sin harms your body and future and hinders you from having a good relationship with God. Don’t open yourself up to men just because they simply promise to give you mundane earthly gifts, and tell you that you are beautiful. Uphold a high standard in your male interactions – before men approach or touch you in an intimate way, they must understand that you have a heavenly Father that they must consult. Value yourself as an expensive jewel, not cheaply obtained. 

Contrary to present-day practices, marriage is the only institution that enables a man and woman to engage in God-ordained sexual activities. People who involve themselves in premarital sexual relations are all committing sin before God. In Hebrew 13:8 it reads “Marriage is to be held in honor among all [that is, regarded as something of great value], and the marriage bed undefiled [by immorality or by any sexual sin]; for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

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If you don’t already have a relationship with God, you may begin your journey of inner and outer purity HERE.
Be pure within and without.
Yours in Christ,
-Charity B.