Virtuous Young Brides” is a platform for all women young and old, brides-to-be, all brides, and aspiring brides.

VYB aspires to holistically build the lives of all women in all areas of life namely, spiritual, academic, professional, psychological, social, and marital.

Far before becoming a bride to a groom, when a woman gives her life to Christ, she is the bride of Christ. Through VYB, we will learn what it means to be a bride from the spiritual as well as physical standpoint. We will learn how we ought to live our lives as Christ’s brides, our heavenly Bridegroom and discover ways to effectively and practically prepare for our earthly martial homes.
In addition, this is a platform to remind wives that they are always brides. Their present age and years of marriage does not affect their title of ‘bride.’ This is a platform of learning, unlearning and relearning about the quality materials needed to build high quality and virtuous lives, exceptionally godly marriages and homes upon Christ the solid Rock and Sure Foundation.

VYB encourages Christian wives to continue to pursue virtuosity and remember that they are always that young and beautiful bride despite their age and stage in marriage! Single ladies are encouraged to remember that they are a bride of Christ. Single lady, You are beloved! Allow your Heavenly Bridegroom to polish you to become a beautiful bride from the inside out. 

A bride is a new wife. There is a freshness and excitement that is accompanied by being a bride. Being a bride does not and should not end on the wedding day. VYB encourages a lifelong journey of being a bride from single-hood to marriage and beyond.

If interested and want to be a part of our community, you are welcomed to join our private WhatsApp group. Send me an email at [email protected] to gain access to the WhatsApp group or send me a DM on any of my social media platforms @mrs_charity_umar on instagram and Charity Umar on Facebook. See you in the WhatsApp group!
 This is a female-only group!

With love, 
Mrs. Charity Umar
Founder, VYB 