Jesus Christ: The Perfect Eternal Covering


…and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons“-Genesis 3:7

After Adam and Eve had disobeyed the command of God to not eat from “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:17) their eyes were opened (Gen 3:7); they knew they had sinned against God. Prior to this event they had been physically naked from the time that God made them, but that never bothered them, in fact they didn’t know of their nakedness. But after they had sinned, they came to a realization that for the first time they were naked and needed to cover up. This reveals that there is a certain innocency that covers us when we are in Christ (Roman 8:1). But when sin comes into our lives, it breaks that shell of innocence which causes us to be vulnerable to greater sins.

When sin is being committed the individual is controlled by the devil, they fail to realize what they are doing and even consider the consequences thereby. After the sin is performed there is always shame and guilt that is attached – the person becomes ‘naked’ – in other words, exposed. Sin drives us out of fellowship with God as “Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord” (Gen 3:8). Satan makes us to feel guilty and since we know that God is holy we choose not to go to him, we run away, thus giving the devil power to take us deeper and deeper into sin. 

When Adam and his wife noticed that they were naked – essentially had disobeyed God, they decided to cover up instead of to confess! The bible says in Proverbs 28:13 “He that covereth his sin shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” When sin is confessed to God, there is forgiveness and freedom! When sin is covered there is constant condemnation and guilt. The unconfessed sin grows and becomes deadly. So Adam and his wife began to fashion some self made coverings for themselves. Since they were in the state of sin, their ‘aprons’ were automatically insufficient coverings (Gen 3:7). Are you like Adam and Eve that after you have sinned you find means to cover it up so that no one can find out? 

A sinner cannot ‘cover’ themselves well enough to be found worthy before God. No matter how ‘clean’ and polished you look on the outside, or how ‘holy’ you try to look physically, if God does not do the ultimate and final cleansing from the inside out, your efforts are worthless. That was the reason God in His immeasurable mercy took time to properly construct and clothe Adam and his wife. This teaches us a lot! In our dispensation God has sent his son Jesus Christ to be the only and acceptable ‘covering’ of our sins. When we confess our sins to God, the blood of Jesus covers and shields us from the eternal judgement of God. By our association with God through Jesus, God clothes us with His purity, holiness, righteousness, humility, and beauty. 

Are you guilty of hatred, lying, gossip, anger, envy, malice, using profanity (f-word and the rest), secretly viewing pornographic materials, masturbating, smoking, drinking, having sex before marriage? All of these things and more are sins punishable by eternal hell fire. But there is a way of escape! Jesus Christ is the way of escape! He is the only inner and outward covering that is authentic, perfect and eternal. Are there any unconfessed sins in your life? Are you in the business of always covering up your sins like Adam and Eve? You may cover up for as long as you want, but one day you will be exposed and embarrassed as Adam and Eve were. The reality is you can run from God as Adam and his wife did, but you can never hide from Him. 

Remember that there is a covering for your shame (sins), all you need is to confess to God. As God had mercy on Adam and Eve for disobeying Him and covered them well (which was a sign of pardoning) so will He cover your sins with the blood of Jesus Christ as you confess to Him. Jesus is your proper covering, come and hide under His glorious pavilion and be set free!

Have a blessed weekend!