Join Me This Sunday ( Nov 13, 2011) for International Day of Prayer!


Prayer really works! Really, it does! God answers me when I ask Him of anything! However, there’s a condition to prayer and having our prayers answered. God wants us to have a relationship with Him first before he will grant us our heart’s desires. Look at it this way: it’s almost as if walking to a complete stranger, though rich, and saying to him or her “I know you’re a rich man/woman and I really would like $10,000 right now, may I have some?” 

How do you think that man or woman would react?  I believe that person would say that he or she would really like to help you, however, they don’t just give their money to complete strangers especially in huge amounts. They’ve earned their money and if they are giving some away, they would at least like to be aware of where it is going and know that they are investing it in a good cause rather than just giving their hard earned money freely–oblivious to its destination. 

It is the same with God. When we know of Him and don’t know Him, it becomes a similar instance of the rich man or woman. When we know God, we automatically become His sons and daughters. Because of that, anything that we ask Him, He is more than happy to give it to us in abundance–beyond our initial request. It is far easier to freely and willingly provide someone with something as personal as financial need if we know them. Even if we may not have $10,000 at the moment, we will try to find other sources to fulfill the need.
Lately, I have had so many prayers answered that I am encouraged and feel the most connected to God. Yesterday I received an email from a ministry that I subscribe to called Gospel For Asia. This is an excerpt from the email: This Sunday, millions of Christians will do something that puts their life at risk: They’ll go to church. These believers don’t take worship lightly. They understand how easy it would be for them to become one of the 40,000 Christians who are brutally murdered for their faith each year.” 

When I opened the email, and read the above excerpt, I was really touched. This portion of the email: millions of Christians will do something that puts their life at risk: They’ll go to church” saddened me to know that for Christians in other parts of the world to just attend church is a risk–practically offering their lives to death. I really thanked God for the privilege of being in a country where I can worship Him freely without being persecuted for it. With that realization came an additional one which was that my being in the country that I am, is God’s Will and that it is my duty to pray and seek the face of God regarding other Christians who are in fact persecuted for His sake. 

Therefore my request for us all This Sunday, Nov 13, 2011 is to remember our brothers and sisters in countries where they are attacked, injured and killed for their faith. Please join me and others around the world in prayer This Sunday, Nov 13, 2011 that God will protect His own and that He will deliver His people and put to shame their persecutors as His glory shines through for their freedom. Let us not let the prayer end this Sunday but continue to remember persecuted Christians around the world in our daily commune with God.

Please watch this video for better understanding. I pray that this video will really move the spirits of those of us in “free” countries to Truly worship God in spirit and in truth. I think we tend to take God for granted at times. I found it amazing that though these Christains are persecuted, they are very fervent in worshiping God and will actually die in the name of God! Let us learn from them!

God Help and Bless Us All!
