‘Modestic-Elegance’ Celebrates Its First Anniversary!

Today,  it randomly occurred to me that I had missed the one year mark by a few days and was in utter shock that it had been a full year already, wow! September 8th 2012 marked a year of this blog! I really thank God for this blog. When I started it, I had not a clue how I was going to organize it, or even exactly what I would write about on here, but because it was part of God’s plan for my life, He has led me along the way and has used this medium as a source of blessing and inspiration to others!

Though I have often fallen a little short of consistency, I am thankful for those who still read the blog and for those who are led here daily for the first time from all around the globe! I am beyond excited that God has used this blog to reach out to the world and I am privileged to be used in His hands for the expansion of His Kingdom.

I look forward to another year and many more years of this blog and the extent to which God will take it. I don’t know what the future holds for this site; but I am hopeful and elated for what God has in store moving forward. As I surrender whole-heartedly to God, I believe that He will continue to speak to me concerning topics I should discuss on here, and I trust that it will bless the souls that will read in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I would like to extend a huge ‘Thank You’ to you all who read and have become members of Modestic-Elegence! 🙂 May God bless you all and may He continue to inspire everyone one of you through this website!

Here’s to many more years, God-willing! 😀

To God Be The Glory.

God bless.

With love,
