Modesty: Distinction in Dress

“…be ye separate, saith the Lord…” 2 Corinthians 6:17
Modesty is a generational fashion standard. Modesty is simplicity and concealment of private parts of our bodies with proper clothing. Modesty never goes out of fashion. Skinny jeans and ripped jeans will come and go, but modesty is a heavenly principle that will ever remain because God is the author of modesty and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Christians are called to uphold a higher standard of dress. We are ambassadors of Christ; therefore, we must represent our King in beauty, and purity through our dress. Our dressing must prick the interest of people to want to discover the inspiration for our choice of dress. 

Modesty is the understanding that clothing is made for covering and not undue exposure of those delicate parts of our bodies. Modesty in dress is the demonstration of commitment and love for our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, so that through the physically distinct demonstration of our faith, others may be drawn unto him. Modesty in dress is a choice that every believer must make. Modesty of dress is a higher level of Christian calling and living – it is the perfect will of God – Romans 12:1-2.

Modesty is my choice of dress, standard, calling, and lifestyle – whether at home, work, church or beyond I must continue to lift up this standard (Isaiah 62:10). The Christian life is one of separation – the Christian life is one of unique unparalleled distinction. Are you different in your choice of attire as a Christian?

READ more content on Modesty HERE

Visit my Youtube channel for more modesty content HERE

Shop my Poshmark closet for modest clothing HERE

The Modest Lady