Modesty: Grieve Not the Spirit

On my end of the world we are gradually transitioning from the cold weather season to warmer weather. As a result, I had desired to purchase some warm weather friendly skirts that will be suitable for the upcoming season. 


One day, I was out and about running a few errands. I then decided to walk into a particular clothing store, hoping that I will find some nice and seasonal skirts. Lo and behold, I spotted some attractive skirts – price was favorable and its design pulled me in even closer! I dabbled with the skirts for a while and asked an employee if there was a fitting room available that I can try the skirts on – he informed me that there was no fitting room available. I dabbled with the skirts a little bit more and made a final decision – I bought two of the same skirts but different colors. How could I have left the skirts, they were nice, weather friendly and decently priced! Even though I concluded on these seemingly ‘good’ attributes of the skirts, I was yet hoping it would fit me…appropriately.

When I arrived home, anxious and excited, I opened the bag and removed one of the skirt – I quickly slipped it on and it fit so closely to my body! Oh my, but that’s a problem! My clothes and skirt especially should never fit this way – there should be room to maneuver! Unless I was seeking some selfishly negative male attention, that skirt needed to go back to where it came from! It was not to remain in my closet. Surprisingly in the store I didn’t perceive that it would fit me the way that it did when I tried it on at home! Had there been a fitting room available in the store I may not have purchased the skirt. What to do now! But I believe God wanted to teach me a few lessons.

As I looked at the way the skirt revealed my silhouette in the mirror, I was then faced with two critical decisions: one, reject the promptings of the spirit of God and use the skirt as it was, or, obey the Spirit’s voice – take the skirt off return it to the store, and trust God to provide for more godlier skirts. I struggled with this – “well maybe I can wear it at home” or “I will wear it under my skirts in the winter” or “I can wear a really long blouse over it so that I am not soo revealed.” Those justifications for the skirt did not cut it for God. He just needed me to let it go, and eventually I did. I took the two skirts, folded them and intended to return them! 

I shared this story because as women we are so quick and tempted to wear clothing that reveal our shapes. But as women professing godliness we are called to surrender – to surrender our bodies on the altar of sacrifice by faith so that we no longer want to ‘show off’ our curves but a new desire is generated with which we serve our brothers in Christ by dressing in a manner that no undue attention is drawn to our physique, but that what we put on reflects the purity, gracefulness, and beauty of Christ who lives within. 

In addition, sometimes in our quest for a need, the Devil likes to present counterfeits to us. He packages what we need in such a way that it appears like the ‘real thing’ but when you get up close and personal you realize it was all a trick after all! The Spirit of God in us reveals the shallowness and emptiness of that object/person! Maybe it is a spouse that you are trusting God for – beware! Present the individual before God and allow God to screen him/her very well. Lean totally on the Spirit of truth and He will lead you into all truth (John 14:17). Perhaps it’s a job, or which school to attend – take it all to God in prayer. As He has promised to ‘guide us with His eye’ He will do so if only we will desirously seek His will in all aspects of our lives (Psalm 32:8). 

Also, think twice whenever you begin to make justifications for something or someone! The perfect will of God for us should give us utter peace in our hearts and minds. We should not have to formulate reasons for why we should go a certain way while the Spirit of God may be leading us another route.We must learn to obey, yield and trust the Spirit’s leading in all areas of our lives. 

Lastly, we must not forget that the greatest job of Satan is to ‘trip and make to fall’ the strong and standing Christian, aka temptation. I was tempted to keep that skirt in my closet, but by the grace of God I did not yield to that temptation. Understand that the Devil will never give up on tempting the children of God so be prayerful and vigilant always. As Christ overcame the forceful temptation of Satan, I pray that we too, will overcome the tempter in whichever way he comes to us in Jesus’ name!

And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption” -Ephesians 4:30

May the Lord help us to yield to the Spirit’s beckoning at every stage and moment of life in Jesus’ name!