Modesty: Lay Aside the Garments That are Stained with Sin

There are TWO main areas of Modesty. It will be thoroughly explained below. God bless you and refine you into His very own image of inward and outward righteousness, amen.

Modesty: Two main areas
Part 1: Apparel: Immodest Apparel
(1 Peter 2:9; Zephaniah 1:8)
Ex: dresses
and skirts that are above the knee
that reveal breasts, midriffs, backs, bra straps
designs: unequally shaped skirts and tops, “ripped clothing”, sexually
suggestive printed tops, etc
clothing: tights, leggings, jeggings, and trousers
Solution: here is the Command from God: “…that
thy nakedness be NOT discovered thereon.” – Exodus 20:26
. Wear clothing
that will COVER your breast, NOT accentuates it. Wear TOPS/SKIRTS that are
LOOSE fitting NOT one that will show your curves and buttocks. Trousers are
man’s garment, please stay away as a CHRISTIAN WOMAN. -(Deuteronomy 22:5) Stop
arguing the Holy Word of God! Wear tops with half or ¾ SLEEVES. Wear LOW HEELS,
NOT the high ones that the partygoers wear to nightclubs. If a top is
transparent or low-cut insert a high neckline tank (tip: wear a low front tank
backwards to achieve a ‘high neck line’) to COVER you that men don’t look upon
you and FALL!(Matthew 5:28) Our ultimate GOAL is to be DISTINCT from the people
of the world. We cannot afford to be camouflage; we must STAND OUT for CHRIST
in this present world! Keep your dressing simple, humble, and NEAT at all
Part 2: Adornment/ accessories –
“add-ons” (Ecclesiastes 7:29)
Make-up: artificial eye lashes, lipstick, face powder of all kinds, eye shadow,
mascara, lip liner, blush, artificial nails, painting natural nails, hair
extensions, weaves etc!
necklace, rings, bracelets, pearls, chains earrings
piercings, cutting/shaving hair into Mohawks and other ungodly ‘wild’
hairstyles, dyeing hair etc
Solution: Here is the Command: What? Know
ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price:
therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are
God’s.”-1 Corinthians 6:19,20.
There was a price that was
paid for your Salvation, and THAT price was the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST that was
shed for the remission of our sins. One man had to shed blood and die so that
you and I can be qualified for entering into God’s Kingdom. The price was free
but certainly NOT cheap. Because of this, our body is NO LONGER ours. It is
God’s. “
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God”-Colossians 3:3 Our whole being is God’s and our body has now become His TEMPLE. It is an INSULT to Him for anyone to
decorate His holy TEMPLE with the idols of the world. Therefore you cannot paint
your body various colors. Your natural beauty is perfect and BEAUTIFUL; value yourself as God created you! He is a PERFECT
creator and definitely did not make a hint
of mistake in creating you!

This is an understanding that will only be achieved after one’s carnal heart has been spiritually surgically removed and replaced with a humble and yielding to obey commands from above. Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
May you
make Jesus known not only in your heart, but also in your dress!
God bless