Modesty: The Inward and Physical Evidence of True Sanctification


Tw0 writings have been displayed on this blog addressing the indispensable Christian experience known as ‘Sanctification.’ As the posts emphasized, sanctification is a necessity in the life of a self professed Christian in order for the Christian to love God wholeheartedly without reservation, and to entirely live in the Spirit so as to not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Essentially, ‘self’ is totally dead when an individual has been sanctified. This ‘deadness’ of the flesh empowers the individual to live according to the leading and instruction of the Spirit of God. The desire in every sphere of this individual’s life at all times is “Lord let your will be done”; even when their flesh is fighting against their desire for God’s will, they deny the flesh (Matthew 16:24) and keep it in subjection. These people have come to the understanding that to live a victorious Christian life we must daily deny the flesh, and its desires.

In the past, I have written on inward and outward modesty as well as being stripped ‘naked‘ of all outward, unnecessary adornment of jewelry, painting, artificial hair, and makeup-ing! But, in order for a Christian lady to gain the courage to throw away such worldly adornments she must be sanctified. Sanctification is the power of God that uproots the Adamic sinful nature to fulfill the desires of the flesh in wanting to paint the nails, slather powder on their perfectly created face, and wear skimpy, short, exposing attire even after salvation. Sanctification is the next level of spiritual maturity. It is the second level of the grace of God in a Christian’s life. Sanctification drives a woman to obey Romans 12:1, 2 which reads “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present YOUR BODIES a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 

Not only does she give her heart to God, she goes an extra mile because of the strength that sanctification has given her, to also surrender her entire body at the Cross of Jesus. Her desire becomes transformed and conformed to God’s will as she yearns and prays for God to properly clothe her with His robe of Righteousness on a daily basis. She no longer submits to the desires of her flesh to dress ‘loosely’ by wearing clothing that unveil the sensitive parts of her cherished body. She gains wisdom from the word of God and chooses rather to conform to the character of her Savior, Jesus Christ by loving her brothers in Christ selflessly and letting God cover her so that she does not become the object of temptation to the men in her world. She sees her body belonging exclusively to God and not for the viewing pleasure of the world. This is indeed a Virtuous Woman.

Lady of God, are you saved but are still enslaved to applying make-up, wearing immodest apparel, jewelry, artificial hair and nails? Adding these things to the precious temple of God which your body is, is not the will of God for daughters of God. There is a dire need for sanctification in your life. Sanctification will perfect you, and make you holy which is a requirement for all heaven-bound saints. Today, I challenge you to come up higher on the ladder of faith in your walk with the Lord Jesus. Don’t be stationary at the first level of Salvation, God desires that you come up higher, and grow in grace! With Jesus is the power to dissociate your so clenched on worldly attachments and adornments. Jesus longs to purge you within and without so that you may be fully acceptable in the sight of God, His Father. Jesus says all you have to do is to take a bold step and COME. Come to Him for strength, courage, and power to be entirely dead to the flesh and to resurrect in confidence in your naturalness, as His glorious workmanship! Hallelujah to the most High God. I await your testimony, dear sister!

Song: “All to Jesus I surrender!”

Will you surrender?
Be challenged!